My copy arrived today. I can confirm that part of the USB stick is corrupt.
The USB stick is supposed to contain the EGA, VGA floppy, and Amiga versions of MI1; the DOS, Amiga, and Macintosh versions of MI2; CMI; EMI (for PC, not PS2); and TOMI (probably the DVD version since it's labeled "no DRM") . All of the floppy versions of the games are supposed to come with both raw disk images and Kryoflux images included.
However, EMI is corrupt, as is the Macintosh version of MI2 (both raw images and Kryoflux data).
The CDs only include the SEs of MI1 and MI2. However, the version of EMI included there seems to be OK, thankfully.
Also, the EGA and VGA floppy versions of MI1 are labeled as "5.25" and "3.5" disk versions for some reason, though they appear to work fine. And the vintage MI1 CD version does not appear to be included, perhaps because it was felt to be "included" already in the MI1 SE.
On a much happier note, the book included with the Anthology set is absolutely awesome.
For example, aside from the "El Carlo" thing - which is part of a larger design document apparently included in full, which also includes Largo's original name, "Lord Jack" - there's also a memo from the LucasArts testing department about MI2, written by the late Judith Lucero. Ron posted the first page of this as a memorial when she passed away, but the full thing is included here. Judith Lucero was also interviewed for the book before she passed, which is very cool.