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Status Updates posted by Quanon

  1. Ah, wasn't aware SS gave up on Coruscant. I saw his awesome work on Boba Fett :)

    I knew you guys where busy for school and such. Heck, life always sucks away lots of modding time.


    I'll keep doing modelling work on Coruscant, but I can't say when it'll be done.

  2. Aha, I've seen that some models have been altered, nicely named the same as the textures they use :p

    Though, eh... Did you also alter head models. I've been importing all body models and looking at the skins I can easly pin point what body model they use. Though with the heads it's a little less easy, to pinpoint what skin uses what head model.


    You got a list? Or should the 2DA clear that mistery up?

  3. Ahoy, let me search the Holowan.

    Darth Parametic posted some links somewhere, to plugins for Gmax.


    Not sure if that was about rendering though. But it could be a good lead to more.

  4. Ahoy, sad news. I can't seem to get rid of these annoying faults in my UVWmap of the hilt. All my new attempts on the model actually made it worse, then it was before... I'm a bit :confused: on what I can attempt to fix it.


    I hate to restart the UVWmapping. It's such a big job and rather boring... Fine punishment for a sloppy model >_>


    If it's okay, I'll give you the working game models with the 'tiny' texture faults in them. They're only visible once you start looking for them and more up close. I don't think most people will notice it; but I just don't like the idea of releasing something that isn't 'right'


    What you think on this?

  5. Ahoy!


    Just to quikly post that I don't have that crash anymore with Atton, must have been a randome glitch/ bug or my PC did something stupid in the background.


    Though, since I wanted to see those robes faster, I used KSE :p

    Somehow Robe 28, gives a weird bug in the program, the icon goes BIG.


    It blocks out most of my KSE window... though by click on the folding buttons the side, the program redraws itself, so back to normal.


    But it happens everytime I click on that spesific.. spepseesese, eugh that a_robe NR 28.

    Now I'm off to bed, can't type decently anymore :lol:

  6. Alas, you can't do elevators in Kotor. The invisible walkmesh can't move. It's something the game engine doesn't do. Though, you could 'fake' it. Not by moving elevator itself. But the whole model around it could move up and down.


    But I never messed around much with animations. And it's one thing Kaurora still doesn't handle IIRC. Still you could build something very simple, just a few boxes; to see if the trick would work.

  7. Also, another part you can clean up, is these double faces you have. In the corner of your hallway. These are Z-fighting with floor. This shouldn't crash Kaurora, I've had that sort of thing in some of my own models. Its sometimes unavoidable :)


    But if it's safe, delete them.


  8. And here's the ship :lol:


    Euhmz... I'm so weird o_Q

  9. Awesome :p


    Autodesk products ey? What you studying?

    Oh, spotted any nice girlzzzzZZzzZZzzZZzz :lol:

  10. Be carefull with emitters though, they can seriously drag down the FPS on lesser PCs :p

    Though, if you got like 8 in one part of your area your fine.


    For the settings, hmmm, best advice I can give is to have a look about in the game. Try to find out in what area your are, by the whereami cheat, then look up the .rim file, in there you should be able to see out of what model parts the area is made.


    Get the MDL& MDX of those models, then load the BIN mdl into Kaurora, open the emitter tab, most of these emitters have names like: Smoke01, Wave01, spark etc...


    You can then have a peek at all of their settings, write these down on a paper or use notepad :lol: Anyway, that's how I do it, I just copy from the game and then play around with the settings. Test in game and all see what changed.


    Leave Kaurora open while testing and leave your model loaded, else you'll have to redo the settings everytime! Can become very bothersome. :¬:

  11. Continueing my ramble: Use this note to setup your own emitter.


    Anyway, thats how I always do it, I look if the game doesn't have an effect I like. Then I load in the model, note down the settings and then adjusting it to my taste :p

  12. Ctrl+Z is your anwser there :p


    On other tutorials, well... there's a ton to be found on just the intrawebz :p


    2 linkies for you:

    First one, a great site about 3D and other neat design stuff:



    Second, a forum about 3Ds Max, have search if you run into troubles. Most of the time I find a solution of there:


  13. Dang, Redrob... I was gutted to get back into that UVWmap... because I never used that Attach List command... So much for my superiour knowledge :lol:


    Alas, my older files of the saberhilts are all prior to UVWmapping.

    I can get quiete sloppy with my save files. :-S

  14. DDD! DDD! DDD!


    This is not spam.

  15. Dear, Mr. Redrob.


    How would you feel about a nightlife mod. Pondering about your nice skins, mainly the most delicious twi'leks: I wondered, what if a mod was to show the most dark underbelly of SW nightlife. Think of Trainspotting, a nudge of GTA and just pure "fun" added to it.

    But ofcourse with the look of SW.


    Why this crazy idea? Well, just about 2 hours ago, I started to model a nightclub. Just like that out of the blue, then it hit me, a few nightclubs, a storage cargo hall and a street might be what I need for a fun and light mod.


    No heavy thinking on dire situations as a Jedi. None of that, purely an insane night out with the lowlifes and hot chicks :D


    So at last here comes the question: these areas need nice filling of NPCs and what not.

    Saddly none of the kotor contains, dresses and outfits to match this nightlife, would you be up to the task? To design nice proper dressing for this scene?



  16. Doing well at the moment. I still do struggle with a lot of fears and thoughts, but they don't drag me down as much as before. So its a positive move :)


    I'll be leaving the hospital "soonish", though I'll still be following a day-therapy program. Just 1 or 2 days I go in for a session to talk and work on the depression thing. But it has a bit of a waiting list. But at least things seem to be moving.

  17. Don't worry about time, you got plently, I first need to get my models done. And you know these suck up time. The main idea is to have about 3 to 4 clubs, I'm thinking of a sort tech noir theme => punky, gothic and neon looks, a up town "rich" people theme => fancy classic stuff 80's yuppies in SW. The other 1 or 2 would be "generale", unless you think up something nice :D


    I'm also planning to add in a group of street racers with pimped speeders, side skirts, insane spoilers :lol:


    So it's a really diverce bunch of folks I need :p

    Just need to figure out a nice story line, a lowlife dealer, needs to settle a grudge with another gang, pay of a debt... all kind of crazyness, that'll lead you around the place.


    Anyway, just ponder about it, take all the time you need :)

  18. Euh; yeah... I get carried away sometimes when I make 3D stuff. It's that 2048x2048 comes out nicer when I render :lol:


    True, you don't see much of the details in the game... So it's a bit over the top. It'll be better to reduce the size. And yes, that black line on the spirals shouldn't be there! There some other black lines on other bits of the hilts to. But it's rather tiny... I guess they stick out more for me. Working all that time on an item, makes you insane :p

  19. Glad you enjoyed it! :-D

    Don't forget to show off what you made, it's part of act!


  20. Good question :lol:


    I'm certain LAVA is in it though :)

  21. Good, nearly done. The engines where a bit troublesome, it's been awhile since I did such more detailed UVW mapping, plus some family affairs, note positive affairs, slowed my progress a bit :lol:


    I know, I know, I work like a snail >_<

  22. Got registered at your forum ;)

    I'll do my best to keep in touch a bit better.

  23. Great, working my vacation job: kitchen duty in a local retirement home => serving the old folks.


    Got the early shift for the next 3 weeks, starting at 6:00 and done at 14:00 in the afternoon. Bit fatigued, needed it though to get some more body movement. :p


    Nothing has happened on the modding front so far :(

  24. hahaha crazy nights ey? :-p

    I'm sort of passed that stage :lol:

    It's been awhile since I went out on a long night of drinking, after work I just feel to lazy to do a damn :lol:


    No worries about the mod stuff, honestly I haven't done much either. Darth Stoney was to help me out on Scrapyard; but I haven't heard from him in a long while :-S

    Aqualaris, I'm not sure what I've done with all my stuff... A I wasn't finished with a lot of stuff. God... 3D sucks up lots of time. Plus Kaurora doesn't work properly either on my WIN7 64bitsss. I need to run a VM with XP to get BIN files. Hardly improving my workflow... And I am just lazy :lol:


    And my crazy Warhammer painting figurines hobby has blown out of proportions lately!

    Anyway, I'm still in for some crazy nights modding ^_^

    T'was always a blast to do some 3D modelling while you're online aswell, chit chatt'n and all that :-p

  25. Hahaha, hey J7!


    Well I've got a job now: call center slave! :lol:

    Plus I picked up my old hobby of Warhammer: so most of my free time goes in that;

    I'll try to be more online though, I miss the old gang of the LF boards.

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