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Status Updates posted by Quanon

  1. Hey,


    Yeah, I got your PM and the links, started on a search myself to find some imperial "looks" ^_^


    I'll start some sketches and ideas this week, after I get my Sleheyron machines done, else I think Disbeliever will kick me to death :lol:

  2. Hey. No problem mate. I haven't done much either on the project. The second area is going forward very slowly. My life has been a bit of a mess the last few months. It's all bit depressing, so I'm back in a bit of therapy aswell to get my thoughts straight on all that has happened. So don't feel bad about it, hope you get well soon :)


    And I won't give up on the project!

  3. Heyo, MagnusII! Hope your doing well; could you check out your PM inbox.

    I'm having problems with Kaurora again. :lol: Yeah, I know, I'm a whining modeller.

  4. Heyo,


    I've worked a bit more on Juhani's saberhilts. Finished up the item files. Gave both hilts some extra bonusses and an icon. Almost forgot to give'em that.


    Alas, the texture problem is still there. Like I said earlier I can't seem to get rid of the minor deformations on certain bits of my hilts. All the fixing attempts only made it worse... Bit of a shame. But I think the fans have been waiting long enough on this pack.


    So I rather give'em somthing to enjoy then nothing at all :)


    Here's the linky to the package:


  5. Heyo,


    Just downloaded RoR Beta; extracted the override folder. Tossed out a big lump of script files and .lips and whatnot. Like that I only have a huge bunch of models and skins.

    Boy, you made like a billion twilek skins :lol:


    Really great work in there! :)

    It'll take me some time to decide what to use first. If I understand you correctly, only the dancer model has been modified. All other body types still use the same old model from the orginal TSL?

  6. hmm, guess GloveMaster might be right about that :p


    He said to me that the walkmesh might not like to have two verts on the same spot,X axis and Y axis the same, but differant Z axis.


    Hmm, so far I have been a bit to lazy to test that :lol:

  7. Hmm, I think you could take model bits of the game areas, though you would need to re export them with a new aurorabase and all other module files.


    I don't think Bioware & Obsidian cut up there models in nice little perfect chuncks.

    It would require some mess'n about in Gmax no doubt.

  8. hmmm, I used that before, but somehow the extrude makes my walkmesh broken, it always crashes the game or Kaurora... When I remove the walls it all works =/


    Perhaps the linetool is evil to make walkmeshes.

  9. Hmmm, my most recent works have about 40.000 polys in the end.

    Though thats the whole model in one big file.


    Just like Bioware & Obsidian I cut up my model into chuncks. My average is about 8 to 10. So its like ruffly 4.000 polys a part, give or take a 1000.


    For smoke effects you'll need to place an Emitter. You should find that in the Create tab, with the AuroraLight and Aurorabase.

    Just place it in your scene, their ain't much you can set in Max. Its all handled in Kaurora.


    Now to find some good settings, get a Binary MDL & MDX from an orginale module, one with an smoke effect in. Load that into Kaurora.

    Then the go to Emitters, you should get a small pop-up window, with a short list of emitters in that model. Just select one and then you should be able to get its settings, Edit Controllers!


    Now take a piece of paper and go through each Tab, its a lot you can fiddle around with.

    To much to go into detail here :)

  10. Hmmm; Somehow I can't find what I'm looking for.. I'm certain I had a nice little text DI gave me about grass in areas. Nothing turned up from my HD either. If I get a change I'll bug DI about it. Cause I'dd like to have that info myself again aswell :p


    Though I'm 99% sure the walkmesh itself needs to have parts of it set to grass. Mayhaps with some hex editing you could switch the settings of the walkmesh without breaking the entire module.

  11. Hmmmm, MagnusII did say you needed to install certain extras to your windows. To make Kaurora run smoothly. Though, if your windows updated with recent... updates, it should work.


    I'll try to find back his old Readme file. I think it has list of what needs to be installed on your PC to make Kaurora work OK.

  12. hmmz, great work SS, as usual :p


    Surfacemat.2da, I'll have a peek into that asap.

  13. I already knew of the video post effect in Max ;)

    But it can't hurt to refresh my memory.

  14. I got the box out of another model, think I got it out Tatooine or something.

    Mostly I get the sky textures with KT, and apply them to the box.


    Nothing fancy :p

  15. I had a few ideas, just need to get them scanned :p

    But I got sidetracked by my Korriban affair...


    I'll scan asap and send it to your way.

  16. I should have it somewhere on my harddrive.

    Know what, when I find it, I shall upload it and send you PM (Private Message) with link.

    So you can download it.


    Tanias Replacer is used for the head models. Other models like weapons, visors and such is done with Mdlops 0.5.


    And if you"re really adventerous to have you're own area model its Kaurora you need :)

  17. I think another bit that might have caused the messy UVW; is that the saber was made out of several seperate objects. I then attached them all to oneanother to form "1" object.

    Which I then UVWmapped. I do know from experience to correct the UVW map you can detach 'to element' all the bits of your model; as you mapped the model. Or in some lucky cases just a few bits needed to be detached.


    But with this model... I didn't get a good result :-S

  18. I would say the same like Inryi. Great quality on the textures themselfs, but the combination of them together is often to "cluttered".


    I guess I could give it shot, like you said in your post you can easly delete those you don't like :)

  19. I'dd say, something like 50.000 to 70.000, thing is you need to know if you're dealing with a more open area or a very closed one.


    Take, Nar Shaddaa, that's more open, though it still has a bit of those more narrow halls and rooms, who cut off your sight.


    Stuff like the Harbinger, the Hidden Military Base on Telos; those are large areas, but you can never see a lot of it at the same time. Doors and corners cut off your view.


    So via the .vis file you can say; if I'm in the first room A, show me hallway B and room C.

    Mostly when you are in a certain part ( A, B, C, etc) of your area, you mostly only see like 4 to 5 other parts.


    The game needs to render a lot less. So you can afford to do more polys.

    Quiete the opposite for flat outdoor areas, hence all the silly cliff in Dantooine, the silly little poles on Tantooine who block of your path.


    Such stuff requires you to keep it a bit more low, as you can see almost everything!

    Far more stressing on the engine :)

  20. I'll be honest; I can't see a differance... at all :lol:

    And as you say, when people just play the game, they won't go zoom'n in all the time to peek at the weapon.


    I'll pack up the Max file from the other saber. I think I've got a save where everything stands ready to be exported.

  21. I'll dumb the newer version into the dropbox asap. I just need to add 2 extra bits to the walkmesh; then you have the full walkable zone of the model.

    All the other stuff is extra "cake' :p

  22. I'm a happy person so :p :p :p

    Take that! :xp:

  23. I'm aiming to get it done on sunday or monday night.

    About time I'dd get it done, I'dd say :lol:

  24. I've looked at the pics today, can't say much... :-s

    If you want, you can send your file to me, via PM.


    I could take a look at close range, though, I doubt I'll find anything...

  25. I've looked up Miros Tutorial, and he got most of the info from me and Settokon :lol:

    Anyway, the clone trooper and storm trooper mods just use regular helmets.


    So there was nothing in there that was much helpfull. I've got another idea on what might fix my issues. But if that dosen't work? Eh, then I'll have to do some real hard thinking :lol:

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