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Status Updates posted by Quanon

  1. IIRC; I got the marble from Mayang Textures or CG Textures websites. Allthough I also have 2 PDFs with a range of marbles at big resolutions 2000x3000pix stuff.


    Thing is I cant't upload much, atm I'm using my smartphone as modem to get on the internets. So it's a bit expensive. My internet woes should get solved this month though. Then it would be easier to share my resources :-)


    For your other question: no a saberhilt must be 1 object. That's because of the 'replacing' stuff in MDLops. It doesn't allow to replace to 1 mesh with 2 others. And we're using the replacing thing so the animations would work properly.


    I don't think anyone has solved the anim problem fully. Though... Mmm, I think an old modder, named Vosh or something posted a lot on sabers and 3D models. But I can't remember if he had a method that worked.

  2. In a bit of black hole. I stopped school and now looking for job.

    Its the first in life I don't have anything planned out for me... so it feels weird.


    No idea what to expect.

  3. It certainly has improved. And I can see the brighter side again of life :)

    Do you still have some nice Twi'lek skins I can render? ^_^

  4. It has? Thought it was a private group... well, doesn't matter much.

    Nothing has been posted in there that's UBER secret or private anyway.


    Plus nothing has been posted in a loooooooooooooonnnggg while.

  5. it was to be a hint to somesort of sexual thingy


    NVM though

  6. It where some fun days! Great many things to eat and had a blast giving a neat present to my young cousin :-p


    Looking forward to see more of your mad modding plans! Guess where in the same boat, to many plans, so little time! :lol:

  7. It's been awhile since we made some nice render shots! :p

    Can you include the finished Juhani skins aswell. I still got her rigged in Max; but I only have your older versions of her skin.


    I'll do my best to get you the other hilt model Max files; ASAP.

  8. It's not that complicated, to get the model in the game. Creating a walkmesh, that blocks off the players is abit more involved. Though, these new placeable walkmeshes seem to break my own walkmeshes, in my custome made areas. :(


    But if your reusing game areas I don't think it should cause any troubles.

  9. Its best to start out of one object. Though you can devide/ cut it into pieces.

    That is infact, how Bioware and Obsidian did it.


    Its a little more involving, though you can use more polys per piece then you could on one large walkmesh.

  10. Its more like a free-lance job :p

    Just doing the badguys ship in 3D.

  11. Just keep practicing, eventually you"ll make real killer areas :p

    You've got a good start, as I saw in your WIP thread ^_^

  12. Just the floor. I've had bad experiences with walled walkmeshes.

    It caused a ton of problems for me, then again, it didn't seem such a hassle for SS.


    Go figure :p

  13. Lets say I found, what I think is, a good workflow to approach the texturing job.

    I don't think I'll show you grand revelations. :lol:

  14. lol, I know of Mayang :)

    For about 6 years :lol:


    Don't forget to check these out:


    Very big extensive site, very well organized. Mayang had a drop out a few years back and so I found out about this site. :)



    IIRC: not everything is free and they offer more then just textures.



    Not a lot, but very good quality in differant small sets.



    A lot textures, of all of kind of materials, though it isn't always the highest quality.



    Not a lot, but good quality in differant small sets.



    Like that you'll never be without! :lol:

  15. lol, well my tricks aren't that complicated :p


    Its just how you approach the detach thingy.


    I'll write it down in a text file. I'd say its not perfect but it moves things along a bit faster for me. Mainly on things I got copies of.


    Say some sort of pillar, you use used like 10 times.

    Anyway I'll look into it ASAP.

  16. Looking forward to it :drool2:


    Also, do these all use the Twi'lek female body, or are the other body models you used.

    Got to know what to prepare x-D

  17. Lucky man ! I get no attention, I've only got the empty cold 3D space :(



  18. Maaaa favaaourite ship; made of swuaaaaaaade paaapeer :p


    How you doing, besides modding frantic madness?

  19. Meeps,


    Just to let you know, I've been messing about with the mask-head.

    Though no positive results so far, besides the funny big-head thing :lol:


    Actually I'm a bit worried, results of my tests went from bad to worse, to game crashing... :-S

    Not sure what's so differant than adding a cube to a head.

  20. Meeps! Doing well, thanks. ^_^

    Hows things on your side?

  21. Méh, I get bored to quickly these last few weeks, I can't seem to keep it up at the moment.


    So I decided to have nice long break untill it itches so hard I'll explode


    We all know stopping forever is NOT an option :lol:


    Don't worry I won't leave the scene, but I'm not producing stuff.

  22. Mmm, not likely; did you get some usefull info on the the dummy in 3Ds Max?

    Kaurora still only handles the AuroraDlights and emitters, nothing else.

  23. Mmm; 3Ds Max knows a lot of differant file formats. I do think UDK supports some of them. Not sure if that applies to full levelsss.


    Allthough Im very certain you can get tools for 3Ds Max to import/ export for the UDK set. Once you get your model from UDK into 3Ds Max; I'dd make sure everything is an editable Mesh, not editable poly. Then I'dd take a good close look to see if any faces of your meshes aren't inverted. Exporting and importing 3D stuff, it often happens thing get turned inside out. :lol:


    To export everything for the Kotor games, get NWmax. Its a plugin that'll give you all the needed bits to export out your level to a format that Kaurora can use. Plus adding a mesh to use as the Walkmesh, zone where the PC/ NPC can walk on to. Then use Kaurora to compile. Then you have all model files. Other files needed are .vis and .lyt. Both contain a short list of 'rooms' your level is made off.


    Last bit is to setup a .Mod file.

  24. Mmm... Odd...

    A second thought came up. Did you use another sort of material on one of your meshes. "Arch Design" is not the standard material 3Ds Max uses.


    I know the export script doesn't like the other materails. I know this because for certain renders I tweaked material to emit a nice glowly light. I once forgot to change it back and I got all sorts of bugs.


    I'dd check that out. I think it might be something within a Multimaterial on slot 19 that causes this error.

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