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  1. yes, Dak Drexl made them.

  2. Any scetches, drawings, other pics?

  3. can u model me a weapon? I am just about ready.

  4. Okay.

    Just need specifications.

    Oh, and if you can use it, I already finished a DC-17m, blaster attachment. Have no idea how to get it working, though.

  5. i'll send an invite. You can make weapons and stuff.

  6. Not sure what I can do. Scripting is way over my head, texturing is something I push to my sister. Maybe modeling, but only equipment like weapons. No clothing or characters.

    What's this mod about?

  7. Wanna help with my TC mod?

  8. Well, command sent her there as replacement for Flowers.

    And maybe she was just too dumb to understand the term "relocation order"

  9. Idk I quess command didn't know she was there or only needed a certain # of people

  10. Well, she's the only one who was able to understand him, so maybe he didn't.

    I mean, even a robot would want to have somebody to talk to. Even if the only one is brain-dead and on the other team.


    Reminds me, why didn't she get any re-location orders?

  11. Wouldn't put it past him especialy if she tried to do him which is totaly within what she would do so...yeah

  12. Wired? Huh?

    Oh, you mean weird. I got my bet on "brain dead".

    Do you really think Lopez shot her?

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