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Rabish Bini

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Status Updates posted by Rabish Bini

  1. I play with the reserves for a state club, you?

  2. Hey I forgot to ask did you end up getting Death Magnetic? DId you enjoy it?

  3. I am thinking of writing a new song fic, I just can't come up with a good song/story to mix together, I'm trying to find a well known song, like Eye of the Tiger, but something I could write a better story to, any suggestions?

  4. Cool, how much did it end up costing anyway?


    And I just found out that Death Magnetic gets released on Sept 15, 3 days after everyone else, down here in Aus, :(

  5. Fair enough, the Coffin Box comes with the Ultimate Edition or whatever its called of the album or something, I would get it, but too expensive, the album will do for me :)

  6. Hey have you heard the 2 new Metallica songs, they've been posted on their site, check 'em out, they sound awesome to me :)

  7. no, i don't have another account, lots of people are metallica fans, he just happens to have a similiar avatar, is all ;)

  8. you're a very talented writer, good work :thumbsup:

  9. ok I can't see how that is actually possible considering there's a "b", but I don't really care :)

  10. You have no idea how much you've won with that avatar. Metallica forever!!

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