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Everything posted by mur'phon

  1. I actually like that Canderis idea, might force me to finally read the rules

  2. Feel free to elaborate on "what's the point" if I have missed the mark entierly: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=201029

  3. I know a lot of things, inccluding the validity of a statement made by you.

  4. You're on my ignore list, so I don't see your post, but an educated guess says it's post 1-439.

  5. Good, i feared it would pass you by, like the fact that spamming leads to reduced post count aparently has.

  6. *Thanks the random hand of chance for being born male and white so that I only have to contend with being ofered such services*

    Since it's a bachelor, it's very general but primarly focusing on the third world, with opportunities to specialize in: macro-economics, sociology, social-geography or "governmental science" (no idea if hose are correct translations), also you tend to end up focusing on spesific regions after a while, but the first year is more about gaining a general understanding of the problems in developing the third world.


    Can understand your sleepines, reading 100+ pages about the fracking definition of development has caused a lot of damage to my forehead and table. Reading 100+ pages about the exploiting of the third world on the other hand...


    Anyway, hows medicine (that's what you're studying, right?) working out for you, learned how to cause undetectable organ failure yet?

  7. Left: a social liberal party in the centre(slightly)right (i.e raving lefties by American standards). And my options weren't any others as A: I'm a rabidly against climate change, for imigration, for more (and more efficent) aid/trade to the poor countries, and generaly believe in manipulating the market to solve society's problems.

    Unfourtantely we lost 8 out of 10 MP's in the election, so I guess I'll be a necromancer for the next four years.

  8. Political party: Left, which are social liberals, and center-rightish (we coopoerate with either the centre or the right when in government). Election went to hell though (not my fault, we lost 8 out of 10 MP's, and have been declared dead by just about anyone. Got some acomodation in just about the cheapest place in town, which means it's very ethnically diverse (Norwegian being spoiled brats prefer to live elsewhere).

    Not sure if you loosing (your only) lessiure time (gained by living far away from uni) is a good thing , but congrats anyway:D.


    Interogation should be done whenever you have time on skype as I'm always looking for an excuse to not study (since I do development, studying can put me in a rather bad mood).

  9. It also seems that if you copy paste my previous message and post it in a relevant place, he'll save you the hassle of having to do it yourself

  10. it seems that you might find it usefull to know that there exist a thing called an ignore button which is most usefull when encountering spouters of giberish

  11. ugh, you actually made me break my vov of never adding people to my friends list

  12. Extremely busy (as if that wasn't obvious by the late reply), preparing to move to a new city without a place to live, a job, or a working credit card. Ad to that there is election time, and since I finaly joined a political party...

    I shouldn't complain though, I'm still technically having a summer holliday:)

    It'll only get really hairy when I have to do theese things and go to uni:P

  13. Dev wants you to get your ass on skype, not sure about the rest of your body though.

  14. mur'phon

    *Announcement: due to renaming yourself after something that doesn't exist, I'll not write that part when refering to you*

  15. I'd argue in favor of the UN (though not without getting a bad taste in my mouth), though preferably in a new thread. And you hit the nail on the head with China, they aren't allied to NK anymore than the US is allied to dictatorships who, if they collapse, would bring more pain than gain. Speaking of which, we might need a "does-China-have-the-US-by-the-throat" thread, as I disagree with that. Anyway, you probably want to get some sleep now, and in case you don't, if you want to bounce ideas it might be a better idea to do so on skype.

  16. Can't remember the post completely, so I'd almost have to see it again. Only thing that commes to mind is that you should keep in mind that the US is not the only country who might decide to interwene should things get hairy.

  17. I know of that habit, which is why I have a ctrl+a, ctrl+c, ctrl+r,ctrl+v ritual when replying to your posts, so I didn't get too far with it. Still, post it anyway, it wasn't bad at all (though I'm extremely sceptical about any wartime alliance betwen China, Russia and NK, or any variation like China + Russia). And with the current posters in Kavars being such a pain that I might finaly get to use my ignore list...

    Let's just say that it would be much more fun replying to your post.

  18. Next time you delete long posts in Kavars, spare a thought for poor buggers who spent time ripping into said long post;)

  19. Here I am, minding my own business while concealing the fact that I'm best buds with the Kavars mods, and for that reason can get away with anything. Then you get the fantastic idea to make me an offer I can't refuse.

    What where you thinking???

  20. Luckily not (they have a habit of killing recruits), being technically a Norwegian citzen, that's where I'll be serving. As for branch, I'm aiming for the army, hopefully I'll get picked for urban specialization.

  21. Doing well, besides getting drafted:swear:

  22. In case your remark wasn't a joke, believing that oposition to abortion is rooted in religion is not part of the atheist credo, as we are quite capable of fighting amongst ourselves on every issue except the guy in the sky. Few of us (including Achilles IIRC) supports unrestricted acces to abortion after we believe the clump of cells has gained conciousness/feels pain.

  23. Good to see you back, the boards where becoming a bit too one-sided for my liking.

  24. You'd get it sooner or later anyway, though I guess my timing could have been better:p

  25. Not war, just standard military service, not every country has a volounteer army

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