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Bee Hoon

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Everything posted by Bee Hoon

  1. I hope so!:D I have some sleep to catch up with, then we shall skypez. And I absolutely ban you and Niner from playing Guild Wars while we do:P

  2. That has strong Buddhist overtones. "Life is suffering":P

  3. Dev, has your summer holiday started?

  4. I'm sooo left behind:( I keep falling asleep or getting distracted, sigh.

  5. Ha! Everyone has to:P I choose to binge on chocolate while reading absolutely bizarre books instead though. Or just go to a bookshop. They warp time and space for me, but in a good way<3


    You're a happy drunk?

  6. Just a little:P Inyri I'm sooooo sick of studying!

  7. Well, that's comforting :p Don't judge me just because, uh, uh... *flicks hair as a response*

  8. Niner spams me too:P He totally should add this to my post count, so that I can, like, get this AWESOME custom title!


    Do I sound bimbo enough? :D


    Hehe, thanks Niner. You cheated, didn't you?xD

  9. Hehe, it's like that:P I've never actually gotten drunk before. Tipsy (I turn emo, unfortunately), yes, but not drunk.


    Sooooo... How does it feel?:p

  10. :p Doesn;t sound healthy, no. I do hope it wasn't until you got really smashed! What is the legal age for drinking in Finland anyway? And the age at which people actually start?:p
  11. I sense much ANGER in you, my young one. Fear leads to anger, anger leads hate, hate leads to the dark side!!

  12. :D Hurray for tapirs! Aren't they cute?
  13. My feelings tell me that Sabre wants a lolly. Awww. Lime/cola/lemon? No other flavours are edible!

  14. Mmhmm. Define a lot:P

  15. It just means that I'll ruffle your hair and give you a lollipop when you try :p Widdle Sabre wants lolly?

  16. Lol! I actually kinda like that song :p

  17. Oh, just noticed your age. OMG Sabre you're a kiddy! Cute widdle Sabre, awww!

  18. You watch out! I'm going to pop 1/6 of an orange in your mouth! Then you kenot stick your tongue out anymore:P

  19. That line is reserved for Boba Rhett and Clark Gable:P

  20. Well, dumb for getting so smashed that he forgot about his friend in the closet. The girl is dumber though:P Eep, Dev Dev envies a morally reprehensible jerk!

  21. You've survived without me all these years just fine, lol.

  22. Geez DEV! That was awful! That guy has some brain defect, which is the only plausible explanation for him being so DUMB. I'll admit to a moment of schadenfreude during the diarrhoea bit though. That'll teach that guy to be such a jerk! Hope he had an infection afterwards:P It's also appropriate considering I'm on the lecture about enteric diseases, lol.

  23. Blek beer and whiskey :p Too be honest, I'm not really all the fond of alcohol... My favourite drink would be a fruit cocktail made with Pimm's. Very light and refreshing, and hardly alcoholic!

  24. Must study! I'm already behind schedule, which is bad bad bad. Too much things to study! ;_; Well, the pictures made me laugh and laugh. Octopus lips and puffer fish ftw! And the subsequent pictures of my sister's bf (which I didn't post) made me laugh until I was tearing, lol.

  25. 4th of July onwards! *flees from the forum* See, I shouldn't even be browsing the forums!

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