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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Merry (belated) Christmas and a happy new year!

  2. Message to self: Wow. It's 7-26 and I'm now 108. :dev11:

  3. Mmm, I'll return the favor. You've shown a cool demeanor despite whatever differences we have. You have some of the same tastes. That's cool with me.

  4. Monkey Fling DOODEY! (runs away @ mach 3)

  5. Monkey fling doodie!

  6. Nadda much. Just got back from a trip down to San Diego. I kinda want to move there now.

  7. Nah I didn't ring but close enough. ;)

  8. Neither is any of the sh*t we talk about. :iceburn:

  9. Never heard of it, buddy. I'll have to try it. ;)

  10. Nice one. .......And while you're at it, G'nite ...and don't let all the bedbugs...put their feet up your ass! :lol:

  11. Nice pic there of "whatcu talkin' 'bout GTA?" :dev9:

  12. Nice snatch up in the senate. :devsmoke:

  13. Ninja warp, I leave Daffy to take the tab. I arrive in Liberty City. I just hope Niko isn't around anywhere close.

  14. No way, I like how it flings its turds at random onlookers, runs around and bites people and just totally messes up things.

  15. No, but it could be...your outhouse, old man. :dev9:

  16. No, but when half the prosecutors and court staff are women I'm sploinking b/c their marriage is going badly...well...

  17. No, I just can't twist my leg around to do that--and wouldn't want to if I could. Frankly it makes me wonder why you even bring up the subject. You sick bastard.

  18. No, not really. :lol: Just venting b/c I'd rather see the guy get smashed upside the grill with a bottle of Old English 800. But I guess throwing him in jail will do.

  19. Not much. Just fawning over my next machine I am building.

  20. Not seen it but I have heard about it. I will check it out.

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