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Status Updates posted by Da_man

  1. Just haven't had the time to post. Very busy with schoolwork and all.

  2. Tell me if you need any help with the new CCP thread

  3. I sent you a Friend request over las.fm


    Username Manniacal



  4. I'm going to add you to my Xbox live friends lsit.

    My gamertag is CompactedPrism

  5. I'm sending you a Xbox live Friend request. My gamertag is CompactedPrism.

  6. Tehere were links on the post. Click each one.

  7. If you didn't do it, then who did, HMMMMMMM!?

  8. Rheet, I can smell you're dirty hand on this whole "Revan vs. *" April fools joke.


    I know you did it don't deny it!




  10. To get past lurker, You need to post moar. Ten is the magic number, I think.

  11. Where did you go, Inyri?

  12. Why aren't you folding, EW?

  13. Very Happy, thank you very much.

  14. There really is no poin to the drgaon cave thing. Its just sig candy. You get an egg, and for every view it gets, it get "fed" once it gets a certain amount of views it hatches and grows up, and it dies if it doesn't get enough views, it dies.

  15. Happy late b-day, IG!

  16. Yeah, no one has this game. There is only almost always only one online match going at a time.

  17. Is there any particular reason you are now the epic fail guy?

  18. He was temped for racism

  19. Going on what R-1183 said. Don't resurrect threads ( and he resurected every thread in the RC off-topic forum) and use proper grammar and punctuation. You can use acronyms like LOL or ROFL, but use them spairingly.

  20. DO NOT SPAM THE CCP THREAD. I managed to beg Rogue 9 to let us open a new one. Keep it to requests, okay. We are already on thin ice with new one already.


    And it wasn't soley Aedan's appeal. I PM Rogue and begged and had to cover for YOU. Just keep the CCP thread on topic, and no one word posts like "That looks good."



  21. If you keep spamming me about it, you won't get in, and you'll be on my ignore list.

  22. Sure, I'll add you, fish, and thanks Serpentine!

  23. You guys do relize he hasn't been on for a good two YEARS

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