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Marius Fett

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Status Updates posted by Marius Fett

  1. That "Bodies Stay" mod of yours and SpaceAlex's looks VERY interesting indeed. ;)

  2. Sorry to hear about your loss...


    I recently lost a family member also, so to some degree I know what it feels like...


    Just wanted to give my sympathies to you and your family.. :)

  3. R.I.P mate...


    Good to know you're in a better place. :)

  4. Doesn't everyone? :xp:


    My all time favourite has to be Chandler though...


    Mostly because I make exactly the same types of jokes.. :lol:

  5. Joey doesn't share food!



  6. Not a bad looking hilt at all. ;)

  7. Indeed. British comedy at its best...


    "Baldrick!" :lol:

  8. Now that is one AWESOME avvy..


    Blackadder ftw, eh? :p

  9. Ahoy!


    Looks like you're not the only one switching OS's...


    As of today, OS X is my main OS.


    I've only had it for three days and already...


    I loves my Mac.



  10. Yep, she's ingame now.


    Just have a bit of UVW distortion to deal with, and she's all yours. :)

  11. Happy New Year SS!

  12. Happy New Year Kate. :)

  13. Happy New Year Jon. :)

  14. Though I hear there are "other" ways of procuring it.. :p

  15. A shame indeed.


    eBay/Amazon are your friends.. :p

  16. Why thank you Rev. :D

  17. *givies trigger a fresh razor blade*



  18. Aaah! :D


    Merry Christmas to you too! If we don't speak before Christmas day, have a good one. ;)


    Careful not to balance too many drinks... (If you know what I mean...) :p

  19. Good morning (afternoon for you :p) Sir! :D


    You will be pleased to know that the animation process is complete and working, and that your model looks GREAT when given to the NPC. :D

  20. :p


    You've been converted. ;)

  21. Howdy! :D


    How's Linux treating you?


    Still having fun? :p

  22. Woops. Didn't notice it. ;)

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