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Status Updates posted by redrob41

  1. Hey, I got your e-mail, and I've started on the hi-res version of Cain's face texture. Say, did you ever make an underwear or clothes skin for him?

  2. Married life is good :) I'm eating better and getting a full nights rest (rather than modding untill 3 am and getting up for work at 7). I'm still getting used to having a house and yard (more work than I'm used to, with repairs and weeding/mowing).


    How's your new job going? Are you able to juggle the modding time with a new work shedule?

  3. So far, so good with being married. Although, my job is too far away now, so I spend too much time commuting, and not enough time around the house (or modding :(). Maybe I should get a new job too... :xp:

    No kids for now, but maybe in the future (even less time for modding :( but more time for fun with family :)).


    So, you're on vacation and modding, huh? Good on ya! When you travel for work, do you drive or take trains? (being on a train would make for some good modding time, huh? ;))


    For Czerka, maybe you could replace some of the non-speaking males (or male Twi'leks) with females? Just to even things out a bit.

  4. well, I got married, had a vacation in Nova Scotia, Canada, and then (back in Edmonton) I packed my apartment and moved in with my wife. I hear you've been busy too, with moving and such. New job?


    I'm glad to see you're back to modding, and (hopefully) near completion. I was hoping that the armours would help you. Czerka especially needed some variety; now the female employees can wear a uniform :). I can't wait to see the Wookiees in-game!

  5. well, I'm stumped. Say, you didn't add or delete any vertices, did you? Even by accident? Anyway, I can't think of anything else right now. I also won't be able to use my home computer (with all the modding tools) until tomorrow. If you give me a step by step description of what you've done, I might flash on something more helpful.


    Take care.

  6. Well, one thing that I found out for myself, was that when I'm replacing, if I leave EVERY box checked, it will fail. I only ever check the boxes of something I've changed (usually just the torso, L arm & R arm).


    I've also made the mistake a couple of times that I forget to change the extension. It's been a couple of months (3?) since I've done any modding, so I'm going from memory. First I'd select the original.mdl and then it asks for the name of the new.mdl. Next I'd select the original.mdx and it asks for the name of the new one, but (I can't remember) it comes up with a .mdl extension still. If I forget to change that, then the output will be corrupt.


    I don't know if that helps, since you still haven't provided enough info.

  7. Nope. I guess I could figure it out with a little more info. What are you trying to edit on the robe? Uvw map or polygon vertices? What steps are you doing with Taina's replacer, and when does the error happen?

  8. yeah, I just wish that people could down load it :( but FileFront seems to have bugs. It isn't too much, just something to put out there. Of course, I had to make it more difficult than it needed to be, so I added some unique skins for most of them.


    Say, I looked at most of your Corellia screen shots, and they looked good to me. I still haven't played all the way through TSL yet (I decided to wait for TSLRP first :(), so I haven't been able to compare them to thier originals (Nar Shadaa right?). Once I learn a little more about how modules are skinned, I'll be better able to suggest improvements, tho I doubt they really need it since you're doing a good job on them already.


    Of course, I'll have to unpack my house first, before I can get to the computer.

  9. Things went great. The wedding and reception went by really quickly, so I'll have to look at the photos and videos to jog my memory :lol:. The very next day we were on a plane to Nova Scotia. The vacation was a lot of fun. Again, I'll look at my photos and re-read all our journal entries (never did that before).


    I just thought I'd check in, but I'll be busy the next few weeks with moving all my stuff, and trying to squeeze it in our house. I saw that you've got about 90% done, and some extra help, so that's good. Once I'm settled, I'll try to help out with checking for spelling and grammar, as well as some area skins. I'll be cutting back on modding, 'cause I'll be adjusting to married life.


    Take care.

  10. I saw your latest update. Looks like you're still cooking along at a good pace :)

  11. 11 days. I'm starting to scramble about. Too much to do!

  12. I've been procrastinating :( so I haven't really started packing yet. (I gotta get on that!) I've bought nice suit tho (still need a shirt & tie that matches the wedding party colours).

    40% content done! You're cruising along pretty good :)

    How's the job situation? Have things picked up yet in your neck of the woods?

  13. Here's a post I made a long time ago about portraits. It's a starting point of what I do for portraits.

  14. Here's a post I made a long time ago about portraits. It's a starting point of what I do for portraits.

  15. which portraits in particular? I usually take in-game screenshots and edit them in Photoshop. Mostly I cut out the background and replace it.

  16. Hey Logan, I still need some input as to what you would like your Mandalorian armour to look like, as well as a copy of Cain's tgas for colour matching. Once yours is done, I'll send all the Mando files to you.

  17. to hide Kreia's head, I also had to scale down the bones for her head (and braids). The only problem I've come across, is that sometimes the head movement and hood movement (if she's looking side to side for example) doesn't match up. As soon as she walks a step or two, it synchronizes again. I figure that this is because the hood is still following the original bones or head turn hooks from the robe, and not the ones from the new head. It's a small price to pay for nice looking robes.

  18. Only 10 more weeks 'till my wedding :D. The wait is too long, but it will be more than worth it.

  19. hey, between the phoenix & robin, we'll have quite a feathered theme for Mando armour :D. Now I'll just have to find something similar for Logan.

  20. Hey, I sent you an e-mail with Dustil & Uldir attached. Let me know what you think.

  21. Sorry for not getting back to you, I've been busy. I still haven't mailed out my invitations :wornout:, 'cause I'm too much of a perfectionist, and I've only just printed them after all the tweeking (I'm also a procrastinator, never a good combination). Plus I've been playing Mass Effect, 'cause my friend at work keeps bugging me. He actually thinks that I shouldn't spend all my time modding and spend more time playing games :lol:. Next tho, I'll have to start packing for when I move in. That's going to take a long while :migraine:.


    So, how goes the job hunt? All I see on the news is Republicans and Democrats disagreeing on principles, and a lot of posturing without, it seems, any real concern for average Americans. Then again, I get most of my American news from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report ('cause they're honest, and they point out the absurdity of polititians) :xp:.

  22. Hey there Kha. I didn't want to resurect a thread from 2006, so I'm hoping to contact you here.

    I was trying to merge some models using your tutorial, but you suddenly stop and say "Hope someone is reading all this stuff... any feedback is welcome." I'm not sure what to do after that.

    My goal is to simply add a FreeLookHook to the (TSL) n_ondsoldm1.mdl, but I was trying to do it by merging the mesh onto the bones and helpers of pmbam.mdl so that the Onderon soldier could be used as a playable character.

    Another mod I was trying to make was to merge the (K1) upper body torso of pfbjm.mdl onto n_darthrevanm.mdl so that I could remove the cape and hood, yet keep the skirt and belt. This would be my basis for an Asajj Ventress style robe.

    I hope that you'll be able to help me out with this. Thanks.

  23. I've put some screenshots up in the RofR thread. I might want to change the Officer uniform away from green. It reminds me too much of M. Bison from Street Fighter II (his alternate colour) :xp:.

  24. I left you some instructions in your reskinning mission thread. Let me know what you think :)

  25. Thanks. I'm pretty sure that plenty of your characters would stand their ground. Marl didn't get that scar on his nose by running away ;).

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