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Status Updates posted by LordOfTheFish

  1. Please try not to slaughter me. I'm only a high schooler so my english/grammar's not that great. Nor is my ability to be, 'creative.'

  2. OK then. I would rather know how I'm doing on my own. So, I'll pass. But thank you anyway.



  3. Yeah, I wish I knew who all is competing this time.

  4. Well, I'm unsure. I'm planning on submitting it to Javyar's.

  5. I feel for you. Anything close to frogs I like!

  6. As of right now, only Dances With Fear. If my fic for Javyar's sits well with the crowd I may begin a full length story following the title.

  7. So, what exactly is your current fic?

  8. Ok, that's cool. I have decided to post a NSW fic. JediMaster12 didn't seemed to be to thrilled with it. But I think I'll be ok.

  9. Have you entered this month for Javyar's?

  10. I'll look into it. I may be able to rent it at a local library.

  11. I have, actually, but I've never seen it.

  12. If you are familiar with samurai legend, Miyamoto Musashi, than check out the "Samurai Trilogy," I only saw the third movie but I thought it was very well done.

  13. Ive only seen of few of his films, my favorite being "High and Low."


    What about you? Or had you never heard of him up until now?

  14. Thanks, Mifune is like the Japanese Clint Eastwood.

  15. I suppose you are right, we'll see.

  16. Part of the problem happens to be that RC is a rather old game.

  17. Yeah. Are you just gonna let the RC boards die...

  18. Not much... I like the hat. Astor do that for you?

  19. Well, I'm a bit tired from the weekend, but things are all good. I'm ready for Christmas, that's for sure. I'm hoping for a laptop, that I can play computer games on. My family's computer overheats real easily.

  20. Yeah, if you guys and Liverpool loose, that is.

  21. Liverpool keeps on sneaking 1st place away. I know Man Us a few points behind, but we've also played one less game then all the other teams.

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