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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. Quarians = Awesome, Quarians with advanced cybernetics and martial arts skills = crazy awesome!

  2. I posted the sheet, is there anything I need to change?

  3. Make me wait!?!...yeah that's fine with me. Whichever chapter you see working the best.

  4. Chev angry, Chev Smash?

  5. I'm not CQ but I can give you something to respond to in DotS if you'd like.

  6. I'll see what I can do about that. By the way...

    I <3 Tali...and Legion, but Tali more. So how's your ME2 experience going, did you finish the game?

  7. I do too, that's why I came back.

  8. yay you're back CQ, what's up?

  9. I was thinking about making a Bleach RP and wanted to know if you would want to join it

  10. alright I fixed the links...I hope

  11. Out of curiosity, is the group still going to fall into Darth Pestilus's trap?

  12. I meant a post for Garja

  13. I've been so busy with family parties its crazy, other than that good.

  14. Chev! We're rp buddies again! =)

  15. Aww, thank you very much =) Its a shame a few people left though.

  16. My bad, so do you want me to delete the post or would you like to keep the loveable stormtrooper on the shuttle?

  17. I can't wait for the battle coming up in Death to the Sith!

  18. I see, well I hope you enjoy the game :)


    So is Shepard taking an interest in Jacob?

  19. Me too! I made a comic relief character for the group, one I'm quite proud of.

  20. Phantom Knight, CommanderQ, and SkywalkerRules to name a few

  21. Ouch, a shot to the knee. Very crafty CQ, painful but crafty.

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