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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. I was thinking of putting Xan on Geonosis maybe there to assassinate Andorra, where do you think I should put him?

  2. I was thinking of having my character be a thief or assassin, either way he's one of those characters who only really concerned with himself. Anyway I was wondering where you think he would fit, if he can that is?

  3. what will the Hokage do with Karela?

  4. Yep, just thinking up a character for the Battle Suit Rp and I'm sure Wrath would love to spar.

  5. Perhaps a very badass teamup is in order than

  6. what's up CQ...noticed anything new about DTC?

  7. so would Evans be willing to save Null from the Captain of the Plague Ship?

  8. :eek: Now I'm excited, btw did you see LoH's post. Its one of those you guys were both responding at the same time deals.
  9. Don't worry I'm still in, just really lazy. I'll post in a bit

  10. Hey, let me know if you need any help with writing my character or if you have questions.

  11. yeah, everyone's on the ship right now.

  12. sorry about that man I just kept procrastinating my post until I had completely forgotten about it. I'd love to come back I just have no idea what's going on in it anymore or where I left my characters.

  13. Specter's got some big news for Karela

  14. awesome, I do see the two like Keyes and Chief, or Sergeant Johnson

  15. Commander Q, leader of the Q's. How are you today good sir

  16. oh no! I posted a reply in Heavy Midnight 2 while you were posting one!

  17. Yeah that sounds like fun. Are there any details I should know about?

  18. I'm going to enjoy this Kyuzo/Chaos fued.

  19. Tech's a good character, and is approved but I'll be controlling the AI.

  20. hey are you still interested in a Bleach RP, because I'm gonna try asking if anyone would like to join again.

  21. He reminds me of Gordon Freeman :) Feel free to use them both in the rp...speaking of which I should hopefully have the casting call for the rp up sometime tomorrow.


    By the way have you ever heard of the game Champions Online?

  22. on a side note very nice character sheet for not knowing much about Bleach:thmbup1:

  23. Hey Ping are you still interested in the Bleach RP? Seeing that the holidays are over with I'm going to ask if anyone wants to join seeing that they might be less busy now.

  24. by the way, I am going to try getting my bleach rp running again if you're interested.

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