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Everything posted by jrrtoken

  1. Good idea, but I doubt that it will have any effect on him. He's already blatantly stated it before, as my previous post stated. Of course, if would happen, then it would reach some epic, crushing climax as in the Scopes monkey trial.

  2. Seeing as we've both played Descent before, I've found a great program on the Internets. DXX-Rebirth is an open-source, OpenGL replacement engine for Descent 1 & 2. In addition to providing a more compatible engine for newer computers, it also allows for much better graphics, including full-scene anti-aliasing, trilinear filtering, and transparency effects.


    Better yet, there are versions available for Window, Mac, and even Linux. Enjoy! :D

  3. Will do. I'll also notify you about anything else in that thread that concerns indigo children, as well. :p

  4. I loved this post, especially the last response. How typical. :rolleyes:

  5. Of course, screw liberty and justice; They look like terrorists, live close to terrorists, worship the same religion as terrorists; They must terrorists. I thought everyone knew that by now. :p

  6. I was going on Wookiepedia today, and someone posed this question: Was the planet M4-78 named after the droid M4-78, or vice-versa?


    Since you are the de facto Keeper of M4-78 Lore, would you kindly settle this discrepancy to the best of your ability. :D

  7. I just love it how ignorance seeps into all of his posts. :p

  8. I blame it on tk. He must have messed with something. :p

  9. I lol'd. Same effect I get when I watch Fox News.

  10. I don't see why there shouldn't be a rule against that; It's essentially spam. and yes, I read most of the ignored posts as well. :xp:


    I can't wait to see Garfield's response to my argument that there is no proof linking Balgojevich to Obama. Straw will fly, especially when I have proof that suggests that the Blagojevich himself knew that Obama wouldn't comply with the sale of his senate seat. :D

  11. Hm, yes, I see how you have been locked into mortal kombat by another intelligent poster, who has now been added to my ignore list. Truly, the only threads and posts that should be deleted are the redundant "Bash Obama" threads that are thinly veiled as substantial material. At least J7 created the master thread for all of the Obama flaming discussion, though I think that it would be in everyone's best wishes if the staff would simply lock every one of them.


    Actually, I created that thread to contain the Ayers stuff in just one place. I got tired of Ayers popping up like a bad fungal disease all over the place. --Jae

  12. Thanks for posting in Yar-El's strawtrap. When I first heard about that on the news, I thought, "Someone's going to have a field day with this." :dozey:

  13. You have won at Kavar's. :thmbup1:


    Can't wait to see his response to that. :xp:

  14. It's the Master Control Program (MCP) from the 80's Disney film Tron. It was one of the first films to use computer animation.

  15. It seems that Garfield can't take a joke. I suppose that he's some sort of android created by conservative think tanks.


    Loved Moeller's response to the thread: :dozey:

  16. Take a look at this.


    Watch out for the liberals, they're everywhere. Soon he'll say that ACORN is responsible for voter fraud, and therefore, Barack Obama is connected to the campaign, and th- Dear Jesus, Obama is taking over LF! Everyone, arrest the liberals! :xp:

  17. rofl


    Watch out for the liberals, they're everywhere. Soon he'll say that ACORN is responsible for voter fraud, and therefore, Barack Obama is connected to the campaign, and th- Dear Jesus, Obama is taking over LF! Everyone, arrest the liberals! :xp:

  18. I miss Kavar's! :( Hopefully, Jae will reopen it soon, so that everyone can have some awesome debating action. Of course, Garfield will reappear and ruin everything, but hey, I always get a good laugh out of most of the stuff that he posts. I bet that he has bucket loads of anti-Obama rhetoric stashed away, waiting to be unleashed in multiple threads. :xp:

  19. http://www.lucasforums.com/showpost.php?p=2549006&postcount=88




    Garfield needs to make this picture his avatar:

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    I think I know what will happen if when Obama wins:

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  20. You're back! :D


    Now you can help combat fallacies committed by our newly returned curmudgeon in Kavar's!

  21. My, my, isn't it wonderful to have Garfield back? I haven't had this much in ages! :p

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