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    Long time gamer (way back to the original Zork), Newbie modder, Mac addict,
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  1. Hello, yourself.:D

  2. well, actually I said took some care with them, not spent time. What I meant was you didn't just slap some color all over and obliterate the underlying texture. I don't know if all the Sith troopers are N_SithSoldier_3, but at least those on Taris upper city are. I didn't test it on any others.

  3. Hehe, I spent time with them? Frankly, it took me less than an hour for all of those. It was actually pretty simple with GIMP, just set as Burn and pick the right color :)

    Remember, they can be used in any mod as long as I am told beforehand, and am mentioned in credits.


    So...All I have to do to get them in-game is name them N_SithSoldier03? Is it really that simple? Also, if you want to see anymore of my work, check out the KotOR: Psychadelia. My work has been put on hold since GIMP messed up, but when its working I can do a bunch more skins.

  4. Hey there. I liked the job you did with the sith trooper armor, you obviously took some care with them. We are definitely going to use the dark blue and maybe a couple of the other colors. Oh, and it turned out that those Sith troopers were N_SithSoldier03. Once I found that, your armor skins worked without a hitch.

  5. Yup, got it just fine. Thanks. That was the only one of them I hadn't found.

  6. hey there. did you get the file?

  7. Hey there. I thought I would stop by just to say howdy and glad to have you on the team. This should be a lot of fun. D4R7H 5K3L370R has put some truly amazing research into this story. Anyway, "Howdy" :waive1:


    Afterthought, our fearless leader really needs a nickname, because I cannot spell his full name.:D

  8. hey there. I posted a new pic of the mini-rancor. Let me know if it's gruesome enough for you. I'm going to see if I can fight a couple of the modified guys. Tried the big guy, he's pretty tough, but stasis does work on him. Do you want these to have more force resistance than the regular?

  9. Hey, still waiting to hear from KOTOR files. If you are in a hurry, I can upload to MegaUpload.

  10. Just in case you don't check the request thread: I posted what I have. It's pretty well finished unless you want me to add or change anything. Let me know.

  11. Cool. Thanks, and it was your idea. I still have to do the icon and place it in the game.

  12. No i'm a rubbish modder and i dont mind if its released cause you did all the work :)

  13. Hey there. I posted some preliminary shots in your request thread. Are you using this for a mod of your own? If not, do you mind if I release it.

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