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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Whats with the name change

  2. I need to show my friend that my music isn't creepy compared to black metal.

  3. I need the name of your creepiest black metal song.

  4. Gracias. Though i didn't get any turkey.

  5. Sorry. ive been so busy. I have a few min ill do it now.

  6. Ive been busy. Plan to soon though

  7. Yep. Thanks. I'm waiting till I have my computer to reply as my message is too long to type on my iPod.

  8. I wont be on tonight, sorry.

  9. Hope you feel better Q. We have lost far too many good people to depression.

  10. What I would do is just open the dlg files from tslrcm and make the same changes. Then release with permission.

  11. Hey j7. I was wondering if you had planned on releasing a FF2 patch for tslrcm?

  12. Next time i see you on hss im going to teach you a cool trick for modeling hilts.

  13. What was the image enlarging plugin for photoshop called again?

  14. As amazing as that hilt is, it doesn't really look evil...

  15. Don't announce anything bout project s.

  16. I am at work. Sorry. Be on later.

  17. I am at work. Sorry. Be on later.

  18. Have you done anything with that hilt?

  19. Damn i missed ya.

  20. Can i get those files soon please?

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