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  • Location
    Unknown Regions
  • Occupation
    Guardian of the Force
  • Current Game
    KotOR,Mass Effect,Bioshock
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
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  • Xbox Live GamerTag
    Radiant Revan

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Of course not. I'd be happy to do it for you.:D

  2. Not at all! I'm just really lazy lol. I only stopped by this morning to embarrass myself.


    Although, I was thinking of using a new one. Would you mind fixing the background on it like you did for for my current one?

  3. Pardon me Lady_Revan, but are you unsatisfied with the avatar I modified? If so, feel free to let me know, as I am always willing to improve it or fix it to your standards.

  4. I would love that! Thanks so much ^_^

  5. Hey Lady_Revan, I just so happen to have a copy of your avatar with a transparent background and enhanced graphics. I could post it here if you like.:)

  6. What's new Lady_Revan?:D

  7. Your welcome, anytime:D

  8. Hi! Thanks for the friends request ^_^

  9. Whazzup, Lady Revan?!:D

  10. I was just looking at your Revan Redemption Robes and was wondering if they are compatible with Kristy Kistic's capeless, feminine Revan model mod.



    I love the colors of your RRR mod and I'm hoping they will 'fit' my Revan :syoda:


    Thanks for your help,


    ~*~ Lady_Revan

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