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Darth Cryptic

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Personal Information

  • Web Browser
    internet explorer
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Knights of the old republic
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Darth Cryptic's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. The Exile as a Chiss by Varsity Puppet I believe. I forget if he released it here or not, it was a while ago.

    And sorry for takeing so long to reply, I had computer issues.

  2. what is your avatar of?

  3. Yup, got it just fine. Thanks. That was the only one of them I hadn't found.

  4. hey there. did you get the file?

  5. Done. I pretty much know my main problems, but all input helps.

  6. Sure. I'll PM you my e-mail and you can send it as an attachment.

    Also gives me an excuse to do a clean install on K1 again.

  7. Hey. Just wondering, since you've helped with my project, the melee HK-47: wanna beta test it?

  8. Sounds cool. I'm here if you ever need any help.

  9. I am, just got a bit side tracked with Real Life things and haven't had time to work on it. I've got it set up to upgrade, you can create them at a work bench, and I'm/was working on scripting in Griff to act as a merchant so you can buy a set along with a few other toys I've been tinkering with. Still haven't figured out how to set it to act like a saber yet though.

  10. Are you still working on your Darkstick mod Darth Cryptic?

  11. You should take a look! I did the textures myself! Here for K1! And Here for TSL!

  12. I got the e-mail. Just need to transfer it to my gaming computer to take a look at it. Thanks!

  13. Hey Darth Cryptic, did you get my E-mail containing the Darkstick mod yet? I want to make sure I sent it to the right address. If you got it: I hope its what you were looking for. Enjoy!

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