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Status Updates posted by R2-X2

  1. May I change your M134 MG and your Desert Eagle mods' shot sounds and upload it somewhere/send the files back to you so you can upload it? (I don't like guns shooting with laser sounds, so I decided to change it.)

  2. How to delete 777NPI_m01ae or what it was called from the .lyt file??

  3. Hi DD, I won't post this at the original thread, but is your Mando Leviathan mod still in progress?

  4. That's bad. But your armband isn't thaaaat important to uninstall all other mods.

  5. Forgot to post: That the grey emblems arn't like the pics don't matter. THEY'RE GREAT.

  6. Thanks for telling me how you get there!

  7. SS, life drain won't work and things as droid item beam effects don't have a visualeffect.

  8. glad to join the team too ;)

  9. Sith Holocron, I asked Canderis how he got to the place on Telos he is on his screenie of the combat suit remplacement mod, and he said it was a save of you, what you gave him. Could you tell me how you got there?

  10. I will maybe do some translation of your mod. Please send me the dialog files.

  11. Thanks for the armor!!!


    Will I get permission to use it in a mod, as I said in the request?

  12. Thanks! I'll try tomorrow. (err.... today, later..)

  13. SS, when I want to use beam visualeffects as ammuntiontype they dont work. How did you get the life drain beam work???

  14. OK, first thing is to use different doors with different tags. I don't mean the doors must have different apperances, they have just to be different .utd files. For example, every area transition door, for example an elevator, who brings you to somewhere else, mustn't have the same tag as another elevator. If two doors have the same tag, they'll be the same in your module. Example: Door #1 fires script #1 when open, while door #2 takes fires script #2 when open. But if they have the same tag, both will fire script #1, or both will fire script #2. And if you want to have a door locked, but only one special door, it must have a unique tag too.


    At opposite, if you just want many doors to look and do the same, you can use one tag for these.


    :(To kiosks, merchants and stores: I've got exactly the same problem what you have. If you figured it out, please let me know;)


    If I've forgotten something or I'm wrong with something or you've need more help, go on asking me.

  15. I hope that helps with your door problem. If not, just tell me.


    Open a door file (name of your door) + .utd ending, and select the sripts tab. There you'll find a OnOpen script line, which is normally empty. Then compile your script (/or extract the stunt12_close.ncs from Kotor Tool/Kotor/Rims/Modules/STUNT_12.s_rim/Scripts, compiled) save the script you choosed at the same direction as your door is saved, and then test it.



  16. No problem. You've got all time of the world... ;)

  17. Yo've got a pm, SS :)

  18. hi stoffe! would you read my pm please?

  19. No problem, but please answer.

  20. Hey Marius Fett, please read my PM.

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