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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. well start to hate it ok... do you at least accept it as non-canon

  2. do you by any chance hate it? <_<

  3. oh and a little tip. try not to post on your own profile. make sure its on the recipent's... i did the same thing many times :thmbup1:

  4. hahah.... i would like to give you a proposal. but first, do you like the Clone Wars tv series?

  5. same as always i suppose... bad :xp:

  6. never mind... i have already chosen a topic... MWAHAHAHAH!!!!!

  7. hmm...... why don't you PM me the info you need and i'll figure it out (you can change the password later)

  8. he has been deleted... mwahahahahah!!!!!!

  9. no... that's my brother <_< he joins any site i'm on :xp:

    if you mean on my site, my account dosn't show for some reason

  10. greetings... i am not tryingto sell you something :D

  11. gretigns jebiluu... i is not trying to sell you something :D

  12. ello riot razer... i is not trying to sell yuou something :D

  13. greetings rookie... i am not trying to sell you something :D

  14. greeting robinhood555.... i am not trying to sell you something :D

  15. i highly recommend you sign the declaration of rebellion in the CWSH gruop

  16. <_< FYI i'm not trying to sell you something :xp:

  17. greetings person so new to the forums

  18. Because you have writen the Declaration of Rebellion i hereby proclaim you, Commander Dimal, the vice president of the clone wars series haters group

  19. i have something i'm making about that. but first i need all the memebers to sign

  20. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

  21. yes but i hihly recommend you do when you get the time

  22. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

  23. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

  24. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

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