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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

  2. As the President of The Clone Wars Series Haters club i highly reccomend that you sign the Declaration of Rebellion.

  3. well my sister listwns to it way too much so i lost my interest

  4. "3DG FTW!!"

    that one... why can't you use BB codes on here?

  5. i knwo i'll be using it from now on :thmbup1:

  6. i'm doing something great with your "Declaration of Rebellion"... i just need more people to sign it

  7. that ones pretty good :thmbup1:

    i've made a few myself... they were awfull though :xp:

  8. your last post dosn't make me like your avvy

  9. so is that your first site youve made?

  10. i liked the pic you put on the CWSH club i put it as the avvy :thmbup1:

  11. that dosn't mean i like it :xp:

  12. WHY?!?!?!!?!?!?!?! i hate your avvy :D

  13. Show spoiler
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  14. did you sign the declaration of rebellion?

  15. so what is team rakata exactly?

  16. yeah thats where i found the pic too

  17. the mando'ade pic mird'ika editedd for you seems familiar :xp:

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