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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. did you se your gift in the CWSH club?

  2. heheh... force storm!!!!

  3. not posting has worked... i no longer feel stalked. *notices Mird'ika with binoculars*

    :cry7: IT'S ALL RUINED NOW!!!!!

  4. i have 3, so it's probably bigger

  5. well how many are there

  6. depends on how many bedrooms

  7. with how much extra space?

  8. right... i just wondered what it said exactly

  9. well is yours big enough for 11 people?

  10. could you take my old avvy (the one with the black) and make the white camoflaged

  11. hmm..... on second thought... :D

    my side -> :launcher: ..........:attack2: <- your side

    :tommys: .......... :gunleap:

    :rifle1: .......... :blueblas1

    :uzi2: .......... :blaze6:

    :fire11: .......... :fire2:

    :uzi1: .......... :snipe1:

    and in the end me and you face off :D


  12. would you mind doing me a favor?

  13. well.... it's hard to say how big it is... big enough for 11 people :D

  14. well if it's bigger than mine it must be either a duplex.......

  15. i like that one too... i just like the other one better

  16. hehe. ner'vod means brother, sister, buddy, pal, chap ect.

  17. it's bigger than mine.... has woods near it.... your pc's downstairs i think.... duplex....

  18. hehe... i have jedi senses. i can acyualy tell my friends what they're thinking sometimes

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