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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. hey.... why'd you change your avvy? i liked the other one

  2. hahahahah!!!! i have singed the declaration of rebellion!

  3. i feel like........part of me has died......

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  5. hey man! your almost a junior member

  6. hahaha. i did the same for hockey :D i described his house to him :D

  7. what makes you say that? :xp:

    have you been spying on me?

  8. yeah i finished around 1:00.... sorry it took me so long.

  9. yeah... well i got to go finish school. i might be on later tonight

  10. i think j7's doing that to me

  11. i think the admins are keeping an eye on him

  12. oh come on! thats not worth bing banned!

  13. Congrats then :D

    i'm not sure why he's banned. maybe for being honest again?

  14. school.

    (about the stalking :D i sense your name starts with.... hm.... "M"... )

  15. "Same hear. What's been going on? (aside from scav stalking you)"


    it's not my fualt his door was open

  16. well i like their meat :xp:

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