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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. hahah. thats true. i always have hated them

  2. it's horns may not have been that big but they HURT

  3. the goats weren't though... i'm still sore :xp:

  4. hehe... i can't wait to see that

  5. oh. hehe. i was talking about wolfman :lol:

  6. never mind... it's febuary 12th

  7. back on topic... so do you know when it's coming out?

  8. HAHAHAHA!!!!! i'm NEVER joining the empire! :lol:

  9. i was at a party at a farm yesterday... luckily the rosters were locked up :lol:

  10. yeah i requested one. did you see the wolfman trailer?

  11. i'm working on some commandos. there not very good though. i have to work onthem

  12. yeah. why is there an important post or someting?

  13. ok i'm back. that took less time than i expected

  14. got it. no more being honest :thmbup1:

  15. yep... it's annoying. what are you going to do wih latin in the US anyway?

  16. that's why i'm taking mando'a... i don't see how latin can do that. now french is the real deal :xp:

  17. did you have to take langulage classes?

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