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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. i don't like it though... i prefer mando'a :xp:

    i hate the 8th grade :xp:

  2. that's what purifier said. i hate the latin though

  3. that's what purifier said. i hate the latin though :(

  4. yep... although i went 2 years ago... not sure if it's changed. i have to take latin though... i hate the 8th grade

  5. it's alot easier too. if something isn't neccisary they don't make you do it.


    P.S. i HATE public school. i went to one for 1 year and hated it

  6. i'm homeschooled. i usualy finish really early

  7. i see you havn't been killing anyone in the fett clan :xp:

    it's gonna get ugly soon

  8. i'm homeschooled so finish when i finish... no set time

  9. greetings person who is pure

  10. and are you bringing that mikey mouse club cover thingy? :lol:

  11. you gonna use the club that's beeen sitting in your living room all day? :xp:

  12. is that what that is? it look like a baseball bat from your closet... well it's good enough

  13. did you hear that? i think someones upstairs... get the baseball bat fom your room

  14. can you hand me that cup to your left?

  15. well i can't wait till someone does! it's gonna be sweet!

  16. haha. at least i couldn't see what they said.

    *says sarcasticly*

    not that i was trying to

  17. and BTW your video that says you can't see your desktop... i could kind of see it.... you got a lot of icons on there :xp:

  18. hehe... i can't wait to try it out

  19. when's that mod gonna be done anyway?

  20. i is done with school :D

    and pretty early for that matter

  21. so what do you make the videos with?

  22. hey hockey! i like the new Mod trailer!

  23. GO CALVIN AND HOBBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :xp:

    i used to read those comics all day long.

    well i got to go do school. talk to you later today

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