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Te Je'karta Mand'alor

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Status Updates posted by Te Je'karta Mand'alor

  1. reffering to you and Ulmont's conversation

  2. yah, i saw you do that in afew posts. yeah you didn't get abducted by aleans

  3. you seem to like giving people their own avatars :xp:

  4. wow man... people seem to like you. i had 0 messages at this point in my profile

  5. hehe. yeah, me and te mirdala discovered that... kind of. mird'ika just watched it at the same time :xp:

  6. so hockey, have you watched those videos yet?

  7. oh, he's REALLY annoying. sorry but i got to go. i'll be on tomarrow

  8. sorry about the delay in response. i was at a famly reunion and then on a camping trip... with the most annoying kid ever

  9. question: i've never used mods before. how do i do it?

  10. i know. not anybody i know anyway

  11. getting ready for family reunion

  12. the first one is just creep :xp:

    so what's up with life?

  13. aar'ika41... it's about time!

  14. hahaha! you have a LOT of taste in videos

  15. hahahaha!!! i love you for showing me tha video!

  16. that's REALLY weird. i know i couldn't have seen him before, but something about him rings a bell

  17. i'll probly try it out on monday. i'm not on my home computer now, and i'll be gone tomarrow


    but not souls :(

  19. ah. i dont suppose you like lizards? :¬:

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