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Posts posted by Threepwood4life

  1. Spoiler

    Couple of references during the Shanghai level;


    During the bi-plane sequence if Indy shoots the wing at the back he kinda has a similar discussion like he does when Henry shoots the wing in Last Crusade and even says to Gina "They got us!!!"


    Later in the level, you fly passed a burning Club Obi-Wan and Indy says "Lao Che wont be happy"


  2. Played since yesterday already got to Geza and theres so much content and the locations are huge. It defintley captures the Indiana Jones spirit and props to Troy Baker for a great performance as the man in the hat.


    Im taking it all in and doing a lot of the side quests to make it last longer and the puzzles have been decent not too complicated but still fun although i think the fighting mechanics need a bit of work hopefully it gets patched

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