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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. Just so I'm clear on the subject of your new sig pic, would you want something like this:


    I could do a recolored image of Boba Fett in an action pose with the phrase/quote of your choice in the background.

  2. Just to prove my point:


    So there:xp:

    If that looks grainy to you, I suggest fixing your graphics settings.:D

  3. KotOR 1 should be okay. RC is the one to worry about.



  4. Ktool: Yes.

    Modding Comp: :whacked:

  5. Like this!




    I'm back :wavey:

  6. Looking at our conversation are you? :tsk:.

    Just kidding vod'ika:p

    I've got no reason to hide it, it was blatant spamming. I let my big mouth get the better of me and I went waaay of topic. It was the same for both of us, since we were both guilty (me more so than him).

    I'm uploading that new pic now:thmbup1:.

  7. Marius, this is Mandalor_the_Artistic. I am building my own modding website and I was wondering if it would be acceptable for me to place a link to kotor2files on my links page.

    If so, then thank you! If not, then I understand and thanks anyway.

    Happy modding!

  8. Maybe you should make your own [WIP] thread. That way you can just go there and announce new projects.

    It can also be a place where people bow to the new LF King of Animations :p

  9. Me too. I just need to have my Mom/teacher check the punctuation and I'll send it in.

    Here's a quick preview...

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    An unlikely alliance is formed
  10. Meh. Same as usual. Still single.

    Tell me, in one word, what would you call a trip to the fabric store with your mom and sister?


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    Hell =_=
  11. Menu = No go.

    Options= I don't know how to edit those. If its possible.

  12. Mir'sheb. :xp:



  13. Modding, voices and sound effects, video gaming, roller blading, working out, showing off, etc... :D

    Farming too, but that's more of a job than a hobby.

  14. My bio for Carbonite Modders:


    Te Mirdala Mand'alor (also known as Jai'galaar Bralor, and Mird'ika) most often works as a skinner and plot designer with modding teams that he is a part of, occasionally doing weapon models on the side.

    Mird'ika's primary job on the Carbonite Modders team, is working as a skinner. Although he hopes to eventually move up to assisting with plot and planet development.

    Mand'alor is also not above shamelessly plugging his website: http://www.beskarmedia.com

  15. My job keeps me busy. I haven't been here frequently enough to participate in the group activities.

    As an idea, could I possibly get my hands on the latest video clips? I'd like to make a reappearance by possibly making a promo-video. :D

  16. My sig says: Don't mess with Mandos mate!:D

    And Cuy'val Dar means: Those who no longer exist (or something along those lines)

    The Cuy'val Dar were the elite Mando'ade that Jango recruited to train his Clones.

    Ulmont is a lot better with Mando'a than me. He's the one who translated some scripts from KotOR from English to Mando'a for me to use in TeamFett's mod.

  17. Nah! I'm asquare. :xp:


    What's up?

  18. Nevah! :carms:


    *smites scav'ika*


    Gotta go ner'vod. Watching Heroes.:D


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  19. Nevah!!!:p

    I'll just mess around with the settings on my computer. Or move the needed files to my desktop and download the needed modding tools on that. Durge is too cool to scrap.

  20. Nevermind. >_>


    Check out the GOT...

  21. No need to be so cross about it. :xp:

    I merely had that planned from the start.

  22. No need:


    I used the desaturate tool in GIMP to remove all colors then added in my own.

  23. No problem ner'vod:p.

    Select edit post under your second post, then use your mouse to highlight your entire post. Then use Ctrl+x to cut your post, then delete it. After that select edit post on the above post and Ctrl+v to paste it.:D

  24. No problem vod'ika.


    (Get out of invisible mode!)

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