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D4R7H 5K3L370R

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    writing stories/lyrix
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Nice Skeletor avy ;)


    "By the power of Grayskull...I have the power!" :xp:

  2. sorry folks, but i have stopped working on the recruit the jedi on the endar spire mod.

  3. Thanx for the assist with the sith soldier uniforms.

    we really like the dark blue and may use some of the others as well, just as laar dha said.

    basically ditto to her comments.


    and yes, you will get credit for contributing them. :thmbup1:

  4. in response to your comments on trask and yavin.


    you know, i really love mods.

    they are a lot of fun.

    and i especially enjoy recruitment, and new or edited module mods.

    whether or not ours will be compatible with others, is a question i can't yet answer, but i certainly Hope there will be ways to work around some, if not all issues, that may come up in it's compatibility factors.

  5. Darth I just thought of something.Will you make the mod compatible with the Yavin mod so if Celindra is in your party when you meat up with Trask he would start his normal and evil dialogue.And then redeem him by some dialogue with Celindra.He would be in The Ebon Hawk along side with T3.He wouldn't be in the party but maybe you can use him for teleporter depending on which planet your on.

  6. things with celindra are progressing very well.

    we are taking one little step at a time, but we are making progress.

    as soon as we get one more thing set we will probably be turning it into a WIP instead of just a request.

    we have to confirm that are modules will be do-able with our module editor before we take that next step.

  7. How's it going with celindra

  8. Thanx for the friend request.


    have an Awesome day and keep in touch.

  9. hey there. I posted a new pic of the mini-rancor. Let me know if it's gruesome enough for you. I'm going to see if I can fight a couple of the modified guys. Tried the big guy, he's pretty tough, but stasis does work on him. Do you want these to have more force resistance than the regular?

  10. have a Good day at work.

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