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Laura Muffin

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Status Updates posted by Laura Muffin

  1. What a leet song. And why is there chinese down thar!! 你说话中文吗?

  2. I'm just gonna be straight-up honest witcha....I ate your order. I didn't know it was a delivery! I'll tell him to make more..LOL on that note, I actually have to cook dinner in a few..yippee >.>

  3. Well it wasn't intentional sheeeeesh :eyeroll:

  4. Ah-ho-ho! You jest, sir, but I most certainly could place an order...What kinda **** you into? ...Er..muffin-wise...wait that still sounds dirty...BAKED GOODS PEOPLE

  5. Oh yes I do. In fact, one might say that he knows me..not the other way around ;).....


    LOL anyways joking aside, things are pretty fab right now. How 'bout you?


    Thanks for droppin' me a line :p

  6. Awww, I'm sorry you're dealin' with crap. Hope to still see you around sometimes tho! Keep in touch :)

  7. Perhaps my typing in pink has caused you to subconsciously associate LAURA MUFFIN with pink, and therefor your eyes were displaying a slight hallucination when looking at my name...*nod nod*

  8. Awww :( >.> <.<


    *cough*torrent it*cough*


  9. It's fabulous! I did some running around with it. LOL! Oddly enough, I'm still running through Kotor2 as a male character so when I'm done with that, I'll run through as a female with the new head model. :)

  10. Yah I got dat! lol wewt.

  11. Sure, whatever works for you.

  12. I have Word (write letterz n **** yo). Why do you ask?

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