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Te Darasuum Mandalor

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Status Updates posted by Te Darasuum Mandalor

  1. i was wondering, when i reach my 1000'th post, if I could get my thing to say I am NOT the LAW!?

  2. i will also help with the storyline and I will even post an official fanfic for you! I love writting.

  3. i will send you the link to my voices.com page when my demo is up. Are there any open characters you can cast me as, Logan?

  4. I would recomend the "Anno" series. It is a German video game series which is without a doubt, one of my favorite series. They are developed my Related Designs and published my Ubisoft. 1701 AD was the best. And it's expansion was even better.

  5. I'll be sure to do that. Who knows, it may be sooner than we think (i'm also kinda busy with other mods like a custom campaign I'm making for Warcraft 3, the POTC Build Mod, and a LOTR module for Neverwinter Nights 2)

  6. I'll change his last name from Kirk, to Cook. Speaking of Star Trek, wanna join my start trek RP?

  7. I'll do it when I have time. Its now time for school.

  8. i'll pm them to you in a while.

  9. i'll send an invite. You can make weapons and stuff.

  10. i'll send you a sample of vick's lines later. Is she familiar or ever played KOTOR?

  11. I'm a Banana! I'm a Banana! I'm a Banana! LOL, my brothers and I were CRACKING up at that VID!!!!!! It is stuck in my head! My brothers are terrorizig me with that song now!

  12. I'm curious, are you a modder?

  13. I'm currently working on civilization 4 mod called Middle Earth. It consists of two scenarios, The Last Alliance and The Crack of Doom.

  14. I'm kinda board of it though since I lost interest in LOTR as of three weeks ago.

  15. i'm so sorry! will be busy for the rest of this month. So we might have to talk via email. Hope this isn't a conflict.

  16. I'm sorry if I did something wrong in our RP. What really confused me is that the rp doesen't at all fit in with SW canon! Everybody knows that Malak attacked Telos, not anybody by the name of Corsair. Can you at least rethink that?

  17. I'm working on being a storylione consultent as well.

  18. Ich bin Jakob Swartz, and du?

  19. If I don't have time to actually mod for your mod, I can help with the creative tilt by doing modcasts for you, making trailers, composing music, writing fanfics, or even (in time) releasing things to the public that you want to. I can also be your manager (or agent) LOL.

  20. if there is only one more, can I be on it like Vickey? Also, have you ever played the Jedi Masters TC? Its rather good, exept, there is very poor voice acting, actually there isn't really any at all exept a few lines! They are still in that process, but the game is complete. Well, off to bed! Talk to ya later I guess. I'll send you my HK lines soon. Hows it comin' along?

  21. If you aren't too busy friend, I think we can help each other out. I know you enjoy making mods, and I had a cool idea for one. Maybe we can team up or something and maybe you can halt your current mod. I also see we are around the same age (I'm August 1st 1996) can you maybe give me a hand. And ohh yeah, happy New Year and Merry Christmas.

  22. If you aren't too busy, do you want to help me and my other few friends work on a TC mod?

  23. If you aren't too busy, my mod team would be glad to have you join us! We are currently working on a KOTOR 3 TC mod and we could use your help! I've seen your mods, impressive!

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