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.:Lord Revan:.

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Status Updates posted by .:Lord Revan:.

  1. Awesome i look at them :)

    How has you been doing, i read something about something or other.

  2. Hey how is the LO mod going cause nobody is posting on the thread anymore. :)



  3. Hey man i just answered your question....i think lol

    and when you want to send a visitor message to someone, like you just tried to do with Boba Rhett, you have to click on his name and post it on his "wall". Kinda like facebook if you have ever used it :)

  4. How is the Republic ship mod comeing along?



    P.S. How is Halo: Reach? :D

  5. I had an idea *ahem here we go......start a thread were people like me who don't mod can make mod suggestions for modders... like you.


    Thoughts, i will ask one of the veterans to see if it has already been done.

  6. Love it. :p



    also hows the cartoons coming along?

  7. No problem, just loving the way the mod lis looking.


    Also cheers to redoing TSL :p.

  8. Sorry I have been haveing problems with my computer :headbump and when i post something sometimes it won't show up so i figure it didn't post so i do it again


    I was wondering how do you like copy something that someone has already said and put it on the message your typing.

  9. Welcome to the forums.


    P.S. Do you like Revan too?

  10. "Cheers"...Were are the drinks?

  11. 3:30 Huh were do you live?

  12. Aaaah nice avie. :) is that a new album?

  13. Aaaah.....nice avie. :D

  14. Alright man thanks for your time.

  15. Also ive been out for a while, any new mods i should look into....if i can remeber how to mod properly :lol:

  16. And i was trying to be funny :lol:

  17. and what would that be and what does RP mean.

  18. And you forgot to add Dr. Pepper. :D

  19. Another question. Can you code a mod?

  20. Anything new that I haven't heard about.

  21. Are still working on the Revan's reign mod, cause I am looking forward to it. :)

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