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  1. The releases of the mod will be in 3 stages

    stage 1: The Siege of Gondolin, a provincial campaign in Medieval II: Kingdoms where Gondolin defends itself from the invading enemy

    stage 2: Beleriand is released, all the factions of the Eastern kingdoms are added and are fully functional

    Stage 3: valinor is added, the land of the gods and their subjects are added as well


    We're still working on developement, but we have a long ways to go before we're ready for a release. Most of our campaign map is done and it frankly looks awesome. I'll try to post a link to our Gondolin-preview once the TW-center forums are back online :)

  2. Thanks LR and Nick Vader, appriciate it.


    Technically it's easiest to show you, but the Total War Center forums are down sadly at the moment.


    The mod is set at the First Age of Middle Earth: The Noldor have just returned to Middle Earth and are waging a war of revenge against Morgoth, the Dark Enemy and master of Sauron. He has stolen the Silmarils and some of them have sworn to either reclaim the lost jewels that he stole or die.


    The mod is a total conversion, basically it converts the entire Medieval II game into the Old World of lord of the rings, Beleriand (roughly north-west of the world where the Lord of the Rings-books/movies are played). We make new factions, units, ancillaries, scripts, events, movies - technically everything. The mod is proceeding fairly ok apace now, going slower on developement now due to summer and vacations (and whatnot) :)


    Right now we have completed seveal of the factions and are working to complete the Thangorodrim faction (main evil faction).

  3. Hey there! Welcome to the forums.


    First off, I'd like to congratulate you on your talent for this :http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs506.ash1/29906_431711361969_510781969_6146272_4399386_n.jpg

    And, by the way, you mentioned in the Revenge of Revan thread, that your modding team is preparing a modification for Medieval 2. Since I'm a huge fan of the LotR books and films, and this mod is about it, can you please explain to me what this mod will do ?


    Thank you in advance,


    ~Nick Vader

  4. Welcome to the forum. And nice pic.

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