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Shadows of the Storm

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Personal Information

  • Biography
    Author and Future Computer Programmer
  • Location
  • Interests
    Gaming, writing, programming, and reading.
  • Current Game
    Revenge of Revan
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Kotor 1 and Kotor 2
  • Resolution
  • Height in cm

Shadows of the Storm's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Did you get the email?

  2. Will send it to you tomorrow

  3. Hey I wanted to see how you are feeling, hope your feeling better!

  4. I'm alive again. That's the best I can say.

  5. Hey, how are you doing?

  6. Okay, would you be able to do something around 11pm EST on Saturday or Sunday?

  7. Sorry, my internet has been down for awhile and I've been trying to fix it. Things got crazy for a bit. I should be good for any day as long as it is something at night. Day is far too crazy to try to do anything then for me.

  8. Hey, sent you a PM earlier this week but not sure if you got it.


    Are you available for a team meeting sometime this week? Night or evening? Let me know. :) Thanks!

  9. Thanks! I'm excited to be a part of it.



  10. Not a problem. As long as my crazy phone Internet decides to not become crazier, all should be good.



  11. Feel free to ask questions over PM to me and the social group

  12. This is me, TricksterGoddess!



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