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Status Updates posted by Scorge

  1. Hey, I was wondering if you know the script to start a dialog right after entering a module. If you know it, can you tell me it? Thanks - MrObiWan

  2. Yea theres more its just I got to finish up some other wip's

  3. Dak, did you get my PM?

  4. SotE Chatbox?

  5. Oh, Im sorry, i'll start on the Devastator though. I just go out of control with skinning, and I thought I might give more to Ansion

  6. Im working on the ansion Textures, and thanks. If you want the latest textures of ansion go to MrObiWan -> Ansion ( Textures )

  7. Dang it, I cant be on that time (I have to go somewhere at that time), Anyways check out the new launcher I made for SotE in dropbox

  8. Hey, I might get on SOTE later, I couldn't go on sunday ( Had Yard Work To Do ). I have some news also about modeling ( Nothing Bad )

  9. Go to Dropbox and in Ansion folder, check out the screenshots of the model, All I need to do is the Aquaducts and the Block to go as the Skybox


    Corellia City

  10. Tommorow ( I'll be online All day ) And Sunday between 12:00 - 5:00

  11. Can you go on Public chatbox on your SotE website, I want to talk to you.

  12. Whats you profile pic supposed to be?

  13. I'll give you your as soon as I can. I have a bunch of things to do

  14. Hello, I am making a mod named mandalorian super armor pack. And some parts of the mod need voicing. If you are interested in Voicing please leave me a visitor message, and I will give you your lines


    Characters that need voicing, Kex, and Xarga, from Dxun Mandalorian camp in TSL.


    I have asked LDR the same thing and he said his mic is broken, he told me you are a good voice actor too, so I came to ask you if you would like to voice act for this mod.


    And why this mod needs voice acting is because some mandolorians in Dxun Camp will give you some armor through dialog. And the Dialog needs voicing.

  15. What skinning program do u use?

  16. EDIT: Nvm, Job taken

  17. Scorge

    Hello, I am making a mod named mandalorian super armor pack. And some parts of the mod need voicing. If you are interested in Voicing please leave me a visitor message, and I will give you your lines


    Characters that need voicing, Kex, and Xarga, from Dxun Mandalorian camp in TSL.

  18. I see that you are using Prime's model of the Stormtrooper for your mod, if you havent had someone make a shadowtrooper skin, I could make one if you want.

  19. I'm working on some heads for SotE - I have a generator and powered up my computer. Btw: What skinning program do you use? I use adobe Photoshop CS3

  20. What version of Adobe Photoshop do u use?


    BTW: Nice skins on RoR

  21. EDIT: Message has been deleted. REASON: Question was answers in a thread


    sorry bout this message

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