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Staple Remover

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Posts posted by Staple Remover

  1. I think Return to Monkey Island will have Guybrush searching for the secretory of monkey island, accessible by 3 stone disks hidden throughout the Caribbean. He will partner with Elaine, who now has a voodoo necklace associated with a voodoo god and together they island hop to retrieve them before LeChuck and his ghost army. 

    Long story short, the secret of Monkey Island turns out to be orichalcum.  

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  2. 4 hours ago, ThunderPeel2001 said:


    Strangely, you're not the first person I've heard to say that. I think Ron made a big mistake making an "easy" and "hard" mode. (Same with Thimbleweed Park.) Curse's "Normal" and "Hard" was perfect.

    I wasn’t a fan of it in Thimbleweed Park, but I did love the Ransom uncensored DLC for being a new “version” of the game. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, BaronGrackle said:

    Point of order: Even at the exclusion of Kate and Rogers?

    Where the lite version of the game loses me is by obtaining Lindys map piece for 100 pieces of eight. I think by trading the plaque for 6000 pieces of eight and obtaining the map at that price would be a sufficient lite puzzle. 

    The drinking puzzle is a good one too, I think that’s a pretty big omission. The bone song is just fun and creepy and it should be in this version. 

  4. I’ve started my MI run backwards from Tales and working my way to end with MI1. I’ve scribbled my notes for so far. I’ve finished Tales and EMI and I shared my general musings. I’ll share more as I continue onto Curse. 

    - so many good puzzles on Ep. 1, the getting onto the Narwhal and De Singe’s lab are the top ones

    - was Davy Nipperkin axed in the later episodes due to public reaction to the character or because there was no use for him in the story? 
    - the audio jungle maze was always a miss for me, I can never get the cues correct.

    - the Ep. 1 cliffhanger was such a fun time on the telltale forums, with everyone speculating if it was Kate or Carla. That was one of the best (or only) benefits of the episodic gaming, getting the community invested in a game long term (insert Half Life 3 joke).

    - Ep. 2 does feel the most off out of all of them, human LeChuck is a delight. 
    - the face making contest in Ep 3 may be too silly, but it makes for a great insult swordfighting replacement, as is the duel in Ep. 5

    - Ep. 4 is perfect. 

    - Ep. 5 is the only time besides MI2 that we get a proper final act in the series. 

    - the Crossroads/MI2 tunnels theme is a top 3 for me for the music).


    - I like the artwork overall, it gives it a fun environment.

    - Melee is sorely lacking from the predecessor, and is always a slow point in the game.

    - the “cushy government jobs” is a prime example of punishing the player with a bait-and-switch solution. Having to look in a different angle of the room to find it is cruel. 
    - best VO cast out of the entire series. Nearly every top voice actor at the time was featured in this game. 

    - Mysts O Tyme runs way too long as a puzzle and the tank controls don’t help

    - Jambalaya Island/Knuttin Atoll is the best section of this game.

    - I love the idea of Planet Threepwood, referencing past adventures/memorabilia and the mythology of Guybrush threepwood, while nobody really believes that Guybrush is actually him. This and the Church of LeChuck make for fun dialogue. 
    - I actually found the Starbucks jokes funny in 2022, and I have to get my sense of humor checked out now. 
    - Miss Rivers is the absolute greatest. 
    - Monkey Island is… well they make a great case for wanting to escape from it. 
    - Church of LeChuck is hilarious, and the lava flume dialogue is so funny it makes up for the infuriating navigation of it so I can hear Guybrush singing. 
    - I’ve made peace with Monkey Kombat, the robot, H.T., but I stand by my claim that if Dante Alighieri wrote about Adventure Games, he would place this puzzle in the lowest circle of hell right next to the Grim Fandango signpost puzzle. 10x worse than Monkey Kombat. 


  5. So… on a scale of Slim to None, what’s the likelihood of a Demo happening? I know that demos are becoming more archaic for game development/releases, but every Monkey Island game (citation needed) had a demo in the past. It might not be too far-fetched to expect one on a MI Monday drop? 

  6. 27 minutes ago, MichaelSon said:

    I‘d love to have a remaster of Zak McKracken.

    But only if someone could bring it on the same level graphically as DOTT.


    Because of the craziness of the game.


    And of course new soundtrack.


    But that would make it a remake not a remaster I guess.

    I would love a remaster of Zac McKracken but I’m also a wimp and would want a mode where I won’t run out of money in the game. 

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