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Personal Information

  • Biography
    I'm a graduate student of anthropology and archaeology
  • Location
    Give critical thought a chance
  • Interests
    photography, writing, anthropology, the sciences
  • Occupation
    anthropologist, archaeologist, writer
  • Web Browser
    FireFox on Linux
  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Jedi Outcast
  • Resolution

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. goodbye skinwalker. you have really opened my eyes.

  2. I haven't seen you post since 2009. where have you been?

  3. My first year is close to being finished, so I haven't had to choose a specialty yet. Haven't figured out what to choose yet (and I'm a bit disappointed I can't go for the Americas or Far East in my Uni), but I'll probably go for Provincial Roman Archaeology and either Greek or Medieval Archaeology.

  4. Glad you liked it. I actually enjoy these types of threads because it keeps my nose in the books. I actually had to look up a couple of points to make sure I some things right. How far along in your archaeological studies are you and what's your specialty, if you don't mind me asking?

  5. As an archaeology student myself, I found your post in the "Whether or not a man named Jesus existed" thread highly educating and entertaining. I doubt I'd have your patience in this matter, though. ;)

  6. Yo, check out the thread about playing some JA this month (or next):


  7. If you still want to debate that point, check out the thread I stuck at the top of the thread-list in the Senate. I dropped the ball by not doing this sooner or being more clear.

  8. It was a favorite snack of the Messiah (Elvis). :)

  9. Peanut-butter and banana sandwich? Where'd you come up with *that* recipie?


  10. He gets people talking, yes.


    But ask Achilles - after a few months of constant ignorance it just gets old, and then it turns into a flamefest - not good for forums at all.



  11. Garfield is great. He gets people talking. I like him.

  12. I said it to Niner earlier today, and I'll say it to you now:




    I think I love you. O_O


    Garfield caused many problems in Kavar's Corner, and I'm sorry you now have to deal with him at the Senate Chambers. May God have mercy on your soul.

  13. Above all, I'm a rationalist.

  14. I will say it is interesting debating you.

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