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Everything posted by ThunderPeel2001

  1. I have yet to read them. I will one day! But credit where it's due: I believe Purcell wrote the scripts (although Winnick invented the world).
  2. Yeah, you're right. Best case scenario it's an early version of the larger font. The "f" and"w" are nearly identical, but the other letters are off:
  3. Looks good to me! (I kept trying to LIKE your post, but the forum won't let me?) Another problem seems to appear if you watch the video I posted (from the Ultimate Talkie Patch). Some of Spiffy's lines are quite long. I don't know if they ever really had him in the game with that in mind. For example, look at the font size from the screenshot and a line like this. Would it have fitted? Feels like it would have gone right over his little face? Or maybe it would have been fine?
  4. Well I just went down a Spiffy rabbit hole... you might be right that it was only ever a mock-up. Looking at this video I don't know where the dialogue choices would have been if it was ever really in the game...
  5. I think he was in the game at some point (like that room in MI that was recently found), but cut for disk space reasons. There's dialogue on the screenshot he appeared in. I'm guessing they were sad to see him go, but decided to to include him on the box instead. Of course in the mad rush to deliver the final game, I doubt anyone was wondering how best to archive him Maybe Aric has a backup somewhere... #neverlosehope
  6. I daren't look at my old posts. I'm just going to pretend they were posted by someone else.
  7. And you are wrong to have those feelings. As everyone has been putting joke lists in this thread, I thought I'd share the real one: 1. MI1 / CMI 3. MI2 4. TMI 5. EMI
  8. Oh man. That official MI poster is a thing of beauty.
  9. I had a lot of these things from just buying them at the time... but most have been lost in moves over the years. Le sigh.
  10. Everyone is being respectful towards you because we all like and respect you. Your knowledge on LucasArts stuff is wonderful, and I'm sure I'm not alone in enjoying perusing your website over the years. I happily say thanks for all that cool stuff that you've collected and shared over the years. It's great. It seems no matter how anyone reacts to your theory however, it's always taken as "proof" that the theory is true. No matter what. I think it's normal for anyone presenting a theory to say (and genuinely believe) that they could be wrong. I think that might be a good place for you to get to internally. Maybe, just maybe, this isn't true... It's a fun distraction, and interesting thought experiment, but maybe there isn't any truth to it. I'll just say that I'm not convinced by your theory. I think the most daring and unusual thing LucasArts ever tried to do was launch a TV show, a comic book, and a NES game all at the same time. And that project (Defenders of Dynatron City) was pretty dull.
  11. Did you get any compensation, or even a notice from them?
  12. I've not had this specific issue, but can't you go into Preferences > Security and tell macOS the file is safe?
  13. Not quite. The original Temple of Doom makes it very clear that Indy was very much afraid of snakes. The description of the deleted scene isn't really accurate, either. Indy was supposed to be unsure if the statue was real or not.
  14. I work in a creative company and I can absolutely see this happening exactly as you describe. The decisions that happen as a result of internal politics can be insane. I have no doubt that LucasArts would have happily killed The Dig as soon as it became clear it wasn't working (or any sensible CEO would have done), but Spielberg's involvement meant they probably couldn't. (Spielberg on the phone: "So... how's the game based on my idea coming along, guys?" CEO: "It's shaping right up, Steven... heh!" *gulp*) Trying to make a game to please Spielberg would have not been a fun job. Developer: "I've got this great idea!". Spielberg: "I don't like it, what else have you got?". After some serious missteps in the development, leading to plans being aborted, I can imagine it would have been the project nobody wanted to touch, but which they were duty bound to deliver. I listened to that interview with Falstein I posted a while back, and he talks about how LucasArts fired a bunch of people around 1992 I think. (Falstein was one of them). He said he felt it was a cynical ploy for the powers that be to make the company financials look better after a series of bad decisions, before they moved on while riding the short-lived financial high. I wouldn't be surprised if The Dig was connected. Spending the time and resources to develop a brand new engine was likely one of those bad decisions -- no fun to explain to your owner why you've scrapped all the work you've done. A decision like that smacks of hubris. (Just like the weird multimedia jaunt of Defenders of Dynatron City (Comic, TV show, and NES game -- just as the NES was dying). It always stuck out to me as a weird choice.) You can imagine The Dig becoming an albatross in the company. More difficult meetings: CEO: "Don't worry Steven, we're back on track with the The Dig!" Spielberg: "Hmm. I don't like these ideas, maybe time to find a new voice?" So yeah, all what you say adds up to me.
  15. If you have a way of contacting Aric, I don't suppose he has access to the tools that are mentioned in the SCUMM tutorial PDF he shared? I've started reading the manual and it's absolutely fascinating. I'd love to see the demo rooms (even just a video), so I could appreciate the things the tutorial talks about. In fact, I'd LOVE to have those old tools so I could got through the tutorial myself!
  16. You can legitimately pick it up for next to nothing though: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0032CRP2Y/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new
  17. Is it definitely Rush Limbaugh? I can see the writing and it seems to say Rish Ride? (Or do I need my glasses?)
  18. 1 to 4 is the opening scene with Bart & Fink (or a small part of it) 5 to 27 is Guybrush walking around the graveyard on Scab (reading inscriptions) - 17 to 21 are the same line for some reason 28 to 92 is the scene with Rap Scallion (29 is funny) 93 to 261 is the scene where Guybrush meets Elaine again in her home on Booty.
  19. Ah, that's interesting. Yeah, I don't know Ron has made some interesting posts on Dinky, but I don't even know Squirrel to compare.
  20. Haha. You're just rehashing your own news articles now, Jason https://mixnmojo.com/news/Brian-Moriarty-offers-vague-confusing-noises-on-Looms-non-future If anyone's interested in the mystery of Loom, then the comments on the above post are worth reading. (I've always been intrigued by the fact that Loom featured on Justin Bailey's computer in the Double Fine Adventure documentary, for example.)
  21. @Laserschwert Your backgrounds look so much better, even when scaled back down to 1x resolution. I have dreams of adding those backgrounds into ScummVM at some point so everyone can enjoy them with CMI.
  22. This is amazing. Please keep sharing all you're able to uncover! Thanks!
  23. Oh wow. Laserschwert's thread is still working... although nobody can reply? Either way, that's incredible. I just grabbed a few more beautiful downloads.
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