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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. And goddamn get Skype, you mischievous little white tiger, you.

  2. And if you do not log in regularly I will have to take stringent measures. D:<

  3. And since that is said to my specialty, you could not have chosen a better beta tester! Well, Tom Clancy, maybe. :D


  5. And what is this I hear of you not having watched 300? What do you have against quality cinema, Bee? >:3

  6. And you, you are my former Master.

  7. Arcs are important for any good meal, yes! They bring that delectable, curvy taste to the palate, it must be said!

  8. Are you the same guy who's made those Dragon Age mods over at the Nexus?

  9. As followers of Anarchy, we do not have any plan as such and you are free to do what you will regarding InSidious. Any and all actions you commit will be covered by DSMALL's political privileges whenever possible. We hope you enjoy your stay at DSMALL.

  10. As of that North Korea thread, I am officially a she. :xp:

  11. Aww you *caresses your cheek* :naughty:

  12. Aye, Happy Halloween! What did you dress up as? A Clone Trooper, I'm hoping!

  13. Aye, I need to try the mods. Which ones would you recommend for RTW? I've heard Total Realism should be the first or something?


  15. Bahahaha 1520 kanji done, 50%+ completed

  16. Be thankful for all the snow, we didn't get a day's worth of cold this year. :( If anything, I'll say that it wasn't stifling hot in December and January, but I was sweating like a pig in November and February. >:[

  17. Be that no reason to take away my Bee-bullying license. o_Q

  18. Bee Get your butt on Skype! Litofsky is on and you're missing all the fun!

  19. Bee I can't be the change. :(

  20. Bee I demand a loooooooooooooooooooong explanation from you or I keep sending you offers and bank transfers

  21. Bee that job is going to make you rich rich rich. Buy a new computer and gift me one if there's any left.

  22. Bee what is this aversion of yours towards Skype? >:(

  23. Bee will be goan to Aussieland?! D:

  24. Bee you has not done the skaipu in many ages

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