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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. Bee you have not been alive on the Internet for two days, I am starting to get worried. I'm heading to Malaysia right after I learn CPR.

  2. Bee you must read KotS, it has one of the best-written sex scenes I've read in a long time. Murakami sure knows how to hit us teenage boys where it counts. :naughty:

  3. Bee you should like update your sig with which chapter is out. Dun worry, you're too cute to look like a noob.

  4. Bee you should start a metal band in Malaysia.

  5. Bee, battle lines have been drawn. Come on Skype if you dare.

  6. Bee, I have seen a terrible inconsistency in your logging in to Skype. Do not make me investigate you.

  7. Bee, I want you attend my important philosophical ramblings lecture along with Litofsky. >:3 (Check Litoffen Profillen for non-details)

  8. Bee, listen to MONORAL moar, they're stuff is so sweet iz make me cry ;_;

  9. Bee, tell me why is the word Poisson in my physics textbook it make me hungry grararararara

  10. Bee! You are now my VP! Put on your Palin costume and get your butt to the Presidential Elections in the Spaceport!

  11. Beebebbebeeeepebebpebebeepebepbebeeebebeeebebebebpeeebpepebeeeb

  12. Beebee! I just finished watching My Neighbour Totoro and it is such an awesome and beautiful movie. ^.^ I love you forever for recommending it! <3

  13. Beebee! Why no Skypu moar? >;3

  14. Beee! Skaipu! Nao!

  15. Beeeeeeee! Skaipu! Naonaonao! Beta time is almost thar! Also listen to Dvorak, he is supreme.

  16. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I've started mai new fic. Will you check it out? Go to CEC? You can't miss it!


  18. Been a while, hasn't it? Keeping well?

  19. Been there, but there's nothing like the ol' personal word o' advice, eh? :D

  20. Been watching the Female Prisoner 701 Scorpion series of cult pink films. Pretty awesome flicks, if you ask me. Haven't seen better films in a loong time.

  21. Beep coming up to Shkaip

  22. Behold our very first Swine Flu casualty victim!

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