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Status Updates posted by Sabretooth

  1. Use it to deliver the ultimate Ice Burn to someone like say, oh I don't know, somebody from the Senate you know, and face-melting guitar solos will scorch the backgrounds and your long hair will fly in eternal supreme awesomeness.

  2. Vonnegut is one of the masters of Postmodernism (albeit nowhere near Pynchon, that man is insane). In that I particularly love the nonchalant black humour characteristic of Postmodernism.

  3. Wat is Bee upto-lahr?!

  4. Wat nonsense es ist, Bee? You claim of being online on LF for an hour, but Skypetime minimum!! Wat! D:>

  5. Watch Dogtooth. It's the most psychologically ****ed-up film I've seen this month. *_* I hope it wins an Oscar.

  6. Watched Tropa de Elite earlier today. It was so awesome! Glad to see that police are just as bad through all of the third world! :D The slums and everything else really made it feel just like home. :D

  7. Way to go, veering the Avatar thread from boring movie reviewing to intellectual discourse on the spread of languages, theorisation of the expanse of film industries and cultural growth in the industrial era. :D

  8. We accept one and all. To be a member of DSMALL, you merely have to call yourself a member of the DSMALL and you are one with the collective energy of Surrealo-Anarchy.

  9. We approve of your new avatar.

  10. We are so pimp it's quake, doom and half-life too.

  11. We use only chats 90% of the time, and voice chat rarely ever (that too only with the guys who have microphones). So, no, no mic is not an excuse.

  12. We've got a SUPER SURPRISE NEW MEMBER in the main chat. Also, why is that you're online so often without even posting anything on LF, this is baffling. x_x

  13. Well I know this much that it's made up of your two previous avatars. :p

  14. Well it's a uh, well- a lie, yes, it's a lie. It's too, uh- lure in paedophiles so that I can, uh- bonk them on the head and do, well- ugly things to them. Yes, of course. You know that, Bee. search your feelings.

  15. Well nothing particularly important, am afraid. Have you been travelling afar slaying dragons yourself?

  16. Well sir, what happened of the TOP SECRET DOCUMENT? Surely you have CLASSIFIED it to the rightful authorities, namely Mr CLASSIFIED from CLASSIFIED? What reactions did you get from the appropriate censor boards, namely CLASSIFIED?

  17. Well Uttar Pradesh and Bihar can pretty much be described as India's Texas: rural badlands. Not bad really, but it's one of the more, well, backward parts.

  18. Well yes, but how did this nuclear war start? What sort of societies developed after it? What is the state of civilization at the point the RP starts?

  19. Well, I apologize for any unwelcome intrustions, Mr. Bra. I'll evacuate myself from your profile promptly, thank you very much.

  20. Well, I've got college the next few days, so unfortunately, unless you choose to use the computer in the morning, we shall be unable to meet till the end of the week!

  21. Well, sign in now, when I'm awake and online. Also, we don't need your mic or webcam (unless you're going to strip).

  22. Well, you are named Lord Revan. :p

  23. Weren't you banned or something? >_>

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