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Status Updates posted by SpaceAlex

  1. Sup? I'm good, though I really should finish *certain* projects that I set out to do. :D

  2. I understand... perfectly. One can only take so much crap from clueless and ignorant people before he snaps.


    We seem to be incapable to live as one, even though we're all of the same species and have similar desires - an interesting life to live, no doubt.

  3. Hey!


    Yeah, I really should finish that up one of these days. It's basically done - just needs some final finishing touches. All I need to do is find some time for it, which is the hardest part. :D


    Anyway, unless you can cast a "finalize mod" magic spell on the mod, I'm afraid there's nothing you can do. :( Thanks for the offer, though. :)

  4. Indeed, though it seems that hate, despair, and lack of fate are also the everlasting forces. They can go away (and almost always do) but always return at some point. They (love, hope, faith and the opposites) wage a constant war, and they will continue to do so for eternity if we don't find the right balance between the two forces. But that search has proven to be quite difficult, I'm afraid. All I know is that you need to have a very open mind to reach it; if you keep judging everyone and everything around you (something that each one of us likes to do, no doubt), there is no way you will ever reach that passage.


    That's just something that this little human (read: me) believes. :D

  5. I would prefer to release a finished version, but we'll see. I'm kind of lazy during summer. :D

  6. I might be able to dedicate some time to my mod in the next three weeks; the higher powers seem to have decided to let me divert my attention to modding for a while. :D


    I'll update the thread when I have something to show.

  7. As good as it gets, I guess. :D I'm playing DA at the moment. Will return to modding later. :xp:



  8. Fine, fine. How's you? Still working on TSL? ;)

  9. "Well, you can explain to me how Disc 4 is corrupt considering all it does is sit below discs 2 and 3 in TSL box - so quite how it's broken and the other two are fine I don't know!"


    Err, it died of old age? :xp: The fact that disc 2 and 3 were sitting on top of it this whole time doesn't help either. :D


    "Was thinking of Jedi Robes for K1 and possibly the Godfather"


    I thought as much. :D

  10. Great job on the characters for the ROR mod. They make mine flee in terror. :D

  11. Hehe, I loved that quote as well. :p LotR was overall a very well conceived, acted, and directed movie (I actually prefer it over the book. :xp:).


    As for Nietzsche, I'm not as well acquainted with his work as I probably should have been; but it's never to late to change that, right?


    Regarding Christianity: I have the utmost respect for Jesus and his teachings (definitely a man of some experience and wisdom), though I wouldn't consider myself a Christian (or at least the Christians wouldn't consider me one :D) as many of them tend to understand Jesus' words differently than I do. I'm not saying their believes are wrong, though - they simply managed to "extract" different truths from his words than I did.

  12. Good suggestions. At least two of those will definitely get replaced (I'm leaning towards the Dantooine droid store owner and that Rodian pazaak player on Korriban). I don't want too many of those little creatures in the game, but two or three should be fine.


    Also, I should mention that clones will be far less common with my mod installed. You won't meet two or more NPC's with the same face in a single module anymore.

  13. There isn't much left to be done (mostly easy scripting and utc editing), but testing can be a chore. It can take hours to kill certain bugs. :D

  14. I'm nearly done. ;)


    Anyway, I'd love to release it if it finishes itself. :xp:

  15. Oh, many things that have nothing to do with scripting can go wrong, but it's true scripts are the most troublesome. And since many changes only show on a freshly loaded module, I now absolutely hate the running animation. :D


    Then there's trying to make this thing compatible with other great mods.

  16. It's going fine, but I keep adding some new stuff (I'm addicted, I say, addicted!). Anyway, I guess it should be done before October (I hope).


    I'll definitely keep your offer in mind, though. ;)

  17. Oops, do they still sell TSL in the stores? If not, you might be in trouble.


    I never understood how one could break a disc, though - you're not playing Frisbee with it, are you? :xp: Seriously, I use a NO-CD patch (I need to use it for the widescreen hack to work anyway) to avoid disc scratching (and to save time).


    As for you modding KOTOR: some aliens (like the low-res Gammoreans) could definitely see some love. The best thing about re-skinning them is that those skins can be used in both games.

  18. Will do. Been busy, so there wasn't much time to spend on Skype.

  19. Every day is a holiday for me (well, except maybe when I have to listen to people who think everyone and everything is bad, corrupt, evil, or whatever :xp:), silly.


    Anyway, since Christmas is already over, I will wish you a Happy New Year!!! :D

  20. Thanks. We'll see how things go. ;)

  21. It's progressing quite well, but I every time I think I'm done (either with the skins or the placement of NPC's in the modules), I find something that I don't like, and then spend time fixing it. :D For this reason, I have no idea when I'll be done with this thing. :confused: I mean, will I ever be satisfied? I can't seem to find an answer to that question.


    In any case, I hope you find some free time soon. :D

  22. Hey, what have you been up to? I wanted to thank you for the armors (though I only use Czerka and Sith ones) and wookie skins you sent me; they improve the atmosphere in the game quite substantially.

  23. Hiking, modding, playing... all the good stuff. :thmbup1:


    Some pictures from my adventures :¬: :


    Gates to Heaven :p


    Black bird in a white world :D


    Before sunrise


    Shortly after sunset

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