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Darth InSidious

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Status Updates posted by Darth InSidious

  1. Already ensured. :p


    Now if I can just stay relatively sane until then...

  2. Should have a new computer ~ the 18th. Then the fun of file transferring... >_>

  3. For the next failthread:


  4. Graphics card died. I'm still waiting on a new computer.


  6. I am Gilgamesh who seized and killed the Bull of Heaven, I killed the watchman of the cedar forest, I killed the lions in the passes of the mountain.

  7. I'm afraid I haven't, yet. Read Vile Bodies? :p Currently without a computer, which makes things irksome.


    The Bowmen flee before him,

    As before the might of the goddess;

    As he fights he plans the goal,

    Unconcerned about all else.


    Lord of grace, rich in kindness,

    He has conquered through affection;

    His city loves him more than itself,

    Acclaims him more than its own god.


    Men outdo women in hailing him,

    Now that he is king;

    Victor while yet in the egg,

    Set to be ruler since his birth.

  8. A-ha! I have unmasked you at last, Darth333! Or should I say...


    Cookie Monster!

  9. Show spoiler
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  10. If you are Gilgamesh, why are your cheeks so starved and your face drawn? Why is despair in your heart and your face like the face of one who has made a long journey? Yes, why is your face burned with heat and cold, and why do you come here, wandering over the wilderness in search of the wind?

  11. Ah yes, but one question remains: What can change the nature of a rat without a tail?


    *More Ravel Puzzlewell music*

  12. Well, it'd be awesome if you did! :D

  13. So, are you still modding? The KotORs can always use more awesome blaster models... :p

  14. Dammit, Sam, it was just a grammatical remark!

  15. The sky is overcast,

    The stars are darkened,

    The celestial expanses quiver,

    The bones of the Aker tremble,

    The planets are stilled,

    For they have seen Unas appearing in power

    As a god who lives on his fathers

    And feeds on his mothers;

    For Unas is a lord of wisdom

    Whose mother knows not his name.

  16. A sailor's wife had chestnuts in her lap,

    And munch'd, and munch'd, and munch'd:--

    'Give me,' quoth I:

    'Aroint thee, witch!' the rump-fed ronyon cries.

    Her husband's to Aleppo gone, master o' the Tiger:

    But in a sieve I'll thither sail,

    And, like a rat without a tail,

    I'll do, I'll do, and I'll do.

  17. Indeed. I shall do penance by playing more Mask of the Betrayer... and leaving ME to gather dust. :p

  18. Well, I, too, neglected to remember that humour is an affectation of the bourgeoisie, and that opinions on BioWare that are other than praise are pretentious.


    Mea maxima culpa.

  19. How DARE you suggest that game critics, people who write on websites are gushing air-heads with the critical faculties of a damp biscuit?! Don't you know that reviewing computer games is SRS BSNS? :carms:


    ( :p:xp: )

  20. :rolleyes:


    So the best you can come back with are trite playground attempts at reverse psychology? I'd stop digging a hole now, if I were you.

  21. No, actually, I was talking to you. But thank you for proving my point.


    Oh, and your mods are an abysmal waste of bandwidth.

  22. You're about as funny as gangrene. You're also about as intelligent as the Canadian national anthem.

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