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Darth InSidious

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Status Updates posted by Darth InSidious

  1. Fair enough. They were never that great, TBH.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9-ZZRXBEcM


    Did you polish the handle care-full-ee, too, O First Sea Lord? :p

  3. Yes, that one. :p

  4. I may disagree with you on a lot of stuff, but I just wanted to say that your post in that thread in Kavars-->Hot Topics is made of gold-plated win.

  5. If you can work out who Sycorax is, the rest should fall into place. :p

  6. Panditur interea [...]


    There's book X. :p



    Yeah, you heard me.

  8. Then that must make you, at the least, Elijah - showing us what we refuse to see. :)

  9. Hey, you can't be the evil one! I thought I was the evil one!



  10. No; I just devoured Ishtar.

  11. Even over the souls of mortals?

  12. Good. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some timber to cut...

  13. That still works out at about eight hours back, and given how achingly slowly those hours went by...

  14. So can you claim back those 15+ hours when you've unplayed them? I'm thinking of doing that with Mass Effect.

  15. How do you unplay a game?

  16. Getting ready for 2012. :p

  17. Old-skool av there, jon. :p

  18. No point, although your own quote is strangely apt. :p

  19. sarcastic satire.

  20. -ck?


    Those are very good thoughts there. I particularly like the orange eye-shadow.

  21. Nonsense - it's just redefining the parameters. Which at ~5 AM in the morning is perfectly acceptable. :p

  22. Yes, it gives more time for a real life as well as INTERNET DRAMA . :p

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