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Status Updates posted by JediMaster12

  1. "When your shift is over, I suggest you come down to mine and Matton's quarters. Meet Kaillian. She likes kind people and she hasn't met her uncle yet. How far along?"


    "Around a month and a half." she said with a smile on her face. "I wonder what Tavaryn will say when he meets Kaillian. And I wonder how he'll react when she calls him uncle."


    Here is your post from when we started this one.

  2. (P.S. - Doesn't look like JM12 is going to let Avalon fall easy, does it? Guess your going to have to use those magical TM powers and have the Undying Sith do some heavy duty damage.)


    LOL. Yeah I won't Avalon fall that easy simply because I created them as such. And think about it, for a civilization that trains and lives by the sword, they makes them damn hard to beat lol.

  3. Hey I wouldn't mind doing another collab fic. Could be fun ;)


    I just feel like I got hit with a double whammy on the RP since Alk didn't mention something about Kalla...lol

  4. Hi there,

    I am not exactly familiar with Mass Effect so I don't know how well I would be able to fit in with that.

  5. I just realized my error. Andros was born at the beginning of the Empire so he would be the same age as Luke. Four years later Padme Lilah was born and raised on Avalon. Tavaryn is the youngest and he was born when Andros would be roughly 12. So he is actually born 12 years after Order 66 was enacted.


    As far as description goes, he has the height of his people (6ft) despite the fact that Mom was short but Dad made up for it. Hazel green/blue eyes, dark hair with lighter streaks in it. Muscles of course but also a frame suitable for acrobatics when necessary.


    I haven't gotten around to creating a pic of him yet but keep in mind the image of Kun Lao from Mortal Kombat.

  6. I kind of like that idea. He has the guilt for not doing what he knows his duty was and that was protecting Alriana. Then he comes to find out from Tavaryn about their relationship. It could be he doesn't quite like how Tavaryn jokes around a little on serious matters.


    The feud could start out as something simple, like kid stuff. Say Xandros does something like 'spill' soup on Tavaryn and makes snide remarks. Start small and have it escalate.

  7. I thought that you said a couple of months earlier on when Jun-la asked "How far along?"


    If she were three months along, there would be a slightly noticeable bulge. Two, not so much though I am not an expert on pregnancy lol.

  8. Of course it's what you do. And I'll tell you that the Easter bunny is Jewish. (bad joke)


    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  9. So basically Xandros wants to duke it out with Tavaryn? Are you thinking more along the lines of him being a little pissed at Tavaryn for getting Alriana pregnant? That would be an interesting storyline. Your premise is good and maybe it could be made that the fight carried more complications than what is said.


    Also FYI I posted some more on FanFiction, even a sort of steamy piece that wouldn't leave my brain. OF course it's Supernatural but hey...

  10. So I'm old now? *sigh*

    Still its a good thing huh?

  11. Usually I write regular fiction and what I call diddies. (The link is in my siggie). With song fics, I write what comes to me at the time and I do a bit of thinking about it. Mostly I pick a song and sing the lyrics and think about how it relates to a particular character. Mandalorian Measures I actually was debating between Carth and Canderous.

    Try Eye of the Tiger but I suggest you sing my very first diddy Eye of The Jedi. It's in the previous thread. Other than that just listen to different songs and go with what feels right. I and a few others are always up for a beta read and I give reviews, usually on request.

  12. Usually I write regular fiction and what I call diddies. (The link is in my siggie). With song fics, I write what comes to me at the time and I do a bit of thinking about it. Mostly I pick a song and sing the lyrics and think about how it relates to a particular character. Mandalorian Measures I actually was debating between Carth and Canderous.

    Try Eye of the Tiger but I suggest you sing my very first diddy Eye of The Jedi. It's in the previous thread. Other than that just listen to different songs and go with what feels right. I and a few others are always up for a beta read and I give reviews, usually on request.

  13. Well you already started dialogue about potential boarding of the Ackbar so if the enemy invades the ship, all hands on deck right? So maybe we have a situation where there is a scramble to keep the bridge on lockdown. Alriana can be in there or not, up to you. Tavaryn is following orders to get to the bridge and deflect the enemy.


    Lots of smoke, hard to see except silhouettes. Both can be fighting with their chosen weapons and they almost strike each other but stop and stare at each other. Surprise there. If you have some ideas bounce them off me.

  14. Yeah I was surprised. It felt like I was the one finding out I was preggers lol.


    Anyway, yeah toss some ideas at me and I'll mull over it and toss some back. If one of them happens to be half human- half Avalonian spawn running around, I'm game ;)


    As for Keep Running, I'll take a look. Just been busy but tonight I'm hiding out in the school library so I might be able to...if my attention isn't kept by Duty of Inheritance.

  15. yeah neutral good was the alignment


    also I'll try to make sith ressurection sketches if I get an inspiration

  16. You are so evil mach ;)


    BTW, you should check out my diddy thread. I have a new one up and it is written to a classic favorite of mine. Some may call it sacriligeous with what I have done. LOL.

  17. A joke. Meaning that I have the website put on my frequenter's list.

  18. About Irene, how about we approach Tsy with the role? Either that or I'll have to take her until someone wants her.

  19. An extragalactic alien? Sounds good. Any requirements?

  20. As to Writer's Block, the bane of every writer's existence, the best thing to do is to step back for a couple of days and not bother. Don't try to force the ideas. I started noticing that with the last chapter I wrote for Duty. I took a step back and actually just played the game for awhile as well as self playacting. (I talk to myself with character dialogue. Right now some smut scenes are playing themselves out and I'm not even there yet) It actually freed up my mind and I just picked it up and now I'm writing the next chapter that deals with the shrew of a sister, plus a few extras. Now that I got my ultimate edition with DLC, the ideas are rolling. So just take a step back. Try playing TSL and play as your main character. Subconsciously you'll think about the personality, etc.

  21. Avalon would be logical as it is the government capital of the system but a smart enemy would try to take out Belos. Belos has the largest military both fleet and ground troops. Amshrey would be next logical choice since the people are of Mandalorian and Avalonian descent. Just a heads up.

  22. Been busy myself. Working on second master's degree in criminal justice.

  23. BTW have you tried singing my newest diddy to it's tune?

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