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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. How well versed are you on Elder Scrolls lore are you, anyway?

  2. How's my take on Faren?

  3. Hypothetically speaking, how would Conrad respond to being bitten by a werewolf?

  4. I already have my final post figured out, and at this point it feels like it's just dragging on. Do you want to just skip ahead to Belina meeting with Velerc?

  5. I always thought it was Zayne Carrick.

  6. I asked a friend of mine, known here as Hethra about playing Andirrul's apprentice, though I doubt he'd do it, even if he joins the RP. I know him in RL, and I'd say he's more likely to play a Jedi character. And about the image of Andirrul, I tried mix both obvious and subtle changes. For example, her face is pretty much the same, though I changed the eyebrows, lightened her hair, have her Sith eyes, and changed her lipstick colour from light purple to black.

  7. I can't promise a hood or cloak, but I remember a certain Jedi during the Battle of Geonosis that might work. You know who Bultar Swan is, right?

  8. I could do with you input in WotE some time soon.

  9. I could have a go at her in HeroMachine. I've gotten pretty good with it. And it looks like Yahoo is having problems, so I'll just have to wait for JM12.

  10. I could, but I don't currently have Yahoo messenger installed.

  11. I did explain the main difference between her world and ours, but it should still be interesting.

  12. I did notice that our characters are both assassin types.

  13. I didn't doubt you on that. You have before for the series. Remember Darth Mortis?

  14. I didn't go too out of line in my last post in Check and Mate, did I?

  15. I didn't mean to discourage you, and there is still quite a bit planned for The Eleventh Hour. By the way, who would you consider your favourite character?

  16. I don't have a sense of morals or responsibility?

  17. I don't have the best track record outside my own RP's, so I'll pass.

  18. I don't know about him going after Andorra specifically, but what would make the most sense is if he takes the same landing craft as Darth Pestilus.

  19. I don't know about starting that one up again, but once I get a good idea, I'll let you know. I once even ran a high fantasy RP set on a prehistoric Coruscant.

  20. I don't know any either. I'm just a big Rush fan, and I enjoyed both Mamma Mia and Across the Universe, so I thought I could apply the same idea to Rush songs.

  21. I don't know exactly. Just pay attention mainly to what I post as Kalla, and at the moment, what JediMaster12 posts as Tonatius.

  22. I don't know, I'm fairly busy all week with musical revue at school. Saturday I should be able to, however.

  23. I don't know, it'd end up either being stuff they'd already know, or stuff they'd find out on Geonosis anyway.

  24. I don't really know either of those, but I could check it out.

  25. I don't really know either well enough to judge. Your call.

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