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Status Updates posted by Alkonium

  1. I know exactly what you mean (well, just replace college with University), but take your time, we still need Virul to be destroyed before then.

  2. I know Jalok is male, I did state in the casting fall that Rolan is bi. The former lover idea works, but I was thinking maybe some rival of some sort paid him to.

  3. I know you're not willing to play Andorra in the Sith Resurrection series, but would you be interested in joining my new RP Heroes of Nentir Vale?

  4. I know you've been ignoring my messages for some reason, but I've just posted the Casting Call to a rather ambitious Mass Effect RP you might be interested in.

  5. I know, I'm just trying to figure out a way to introduce Jeff.

  6. I leafed through it earlier, but I'll give it a more serious look now.

  7. I like the sound of your RP. I may look into it, probably coming up with a character that's inspired by Mal Reynolds and John Crichton. And if you're interested, we could always use you back in The Sith Resurrection Part IX. I did actually make a couple of posts as Lenatha earlier.

  8. I love it. It certainly shows Peter proving himself, and being more than just a shy engineer.

  9. I never did look into your channel. I subscribe to yours if you subscribe to mine?

  10. I noticed Andorra seems a lot more concerned about her manners in Part VII. Any reason for that?

  11. I noticed you haven't been posting in the RP lately. Any reason?

  12. I noticed you haven't really been paying attention to A Glimmer of Hope, so unless you've quit, I figured I'd inform you that they're just about to land on Geonosis.

  13. I noticed you say that Velerc's on his way to the station, and I was thinking, would it work for him to somehow find out about Iyav and Komad's relationship, kidnap Iyav, and use him as a bargaining chip against Komad?

  14. I noticed you were trying to look at my HeroMachine Art, and you couldn't see them. Try again now. They should work.

  15. I really don't know. That's up to JediMaster12. I expect them to die, but Tyrannus always escapes somehow. Although he wouldn't exactly be the first recurring character to be permanently killed off. Hethra Iazoki, Master Yado, Greea, and now Virul.

  16. I recently posted a fic in the CEC, mind checking it out?

  17. I responded to your question in the MEU casting call, if you're still interested.

  18. I said fimfiction. Same basic idea, but focused on My Little Pony fics.

  19. I saw you looking at the casting call for The Sith Resurrection Part V a while back, and you should know that it's ending soon, but if you want to join Part VI when it starts, feel free to tell me your idea for a character in advance.

  20. I see. Good for you.

  21. I selected her skin (avoiding her eyes), and used the Variations menu.

  22. I simply felt that given that the situation would be ripe for exploitation by the Nex Venators, or perhaps they have a hand in it, though that mean th. That's just my guess, since as you said, you weren't able to flesh them out that much.

  23. I suspected something like that myself, but the way you wrote it, it sounded like that sort of thing wasn't entirely out of the ordinary for her.

  24. I take it Andorra's going to pass out again soon?

  25. I think Chev is waiting for you in A Glimmer of Hope, and if it helps, I added some stuff from Kalla into my last post.

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