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Found 2 results

  1. Hi everyone! I got my physical release of Grim Fandango Remastered in the mail today, and I wanted to share the pictures with you. Here is the full set: (Unlucky for me, my poster arrived damaged. Notice the top left to middle, there are two small tears.) When I pre-ordered, I was most excited about the figurine that was announced, but... am I the only one who thought it'd be a lot BIGGER? (On the plus side, it drives! Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaa!!) (Also the detail on Manny's face is... baffling...) It really shows that this is a re-release, scanned from the original files. One thing that's really noticable is the darkness of all the printed material. Here is a picture next to my original dutch release box: It really becomes apparant when you put the backsides of the boxes next to each other: A lot of detail is lost this way, which is a shame. It looks like they didn't really crosscheck the brightness/contrast with the original material. (EDIT: The new poster and cd-case look fine though!) Another funny thing I noticed (and I guess this is a credit for @Laserschwert's amazing work) is this little thank you on the back of the cd: All in all, a nice release, but it doesn't live up to the excitement I felt when pre-ordering. It's nice to have the game and soundtrack in physical form though! EDIT: I just double checked the product page, and apparantly the mural print is missing. I wonder if I'm the only one who doesn't have it.
  2. I’ve always wanted a Grim Fandango figurine for on my desk and this German Etsy account made some truly beautiful ones of both Manny and Glottis! https://www.etsy.com/nl/listing/1052255285/veel-manny-manuel-calavera-grim-fandango?ref=related-1 They look like the perfect representation of the characters, with some slight artistic touches to make them work as figurines. I sadly don’t have the money for them, but I nevertheless wanted to share them with you!
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